5《4th wall broken》5

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The police had arrived and arrested Travis they spoke to Sal to ask how his relation was with him.

《Larry POV》

Sal had seemed fidgety since the police left, "Sal?" I said "hmm?" "Whats wrong?" I asked "can't get my mind off of someone" his face became red. I felt my stomach shribble up "I know who it is!" Ash teased, sal became even more flustered. Ash began to whisper something in his ear, he said no but I'm guessing that she was going to do it anyway. "LARRY! Go get sal a slushie!" My eyes widened "where the fuck am I supposed to get that!?". I shouted "the store?" She said confused I stood up and grabbed my wallet off the table and walked out of our apartment. I ran down the street and got to the store labeled '83 slushy' and opened the door. When I got inside I wasn't surprised to see chug there, "sup chug" no response I sighed. I guessed he didn't hear me "chug?" Still no response "CHUG" I shouted chug swiftly got to the counter. He paid then left, I groaned and got 2 slushies one wasn't for me though. One was Cotton Berry, and the other was Mountain dew. I got out of the store and began thinking of how and why this happened. I got to Addison apartments, I walked inside and got up to the room where Megan is. I smiled and said "hey Megan is he here?" Before I knew it a girl with purple hair slowly formed from goop. "Oh hey Larry, yeah He's here" then a boy with sangwoos hair color(don't know how to decribe the hair) appeared. "Sup Large fry" he said with his worn eyes, the bags under them makes him seem emo almost. "Here's a cotton berry slushie" I said shoving it into his hands, "thanks but---" before he said anything the slushie began to fall to the ground I quickly saved it. I laughed nervously "--I'm kinda still air?" He finished I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. He laughed gently before the laugh echoed and he disappeared, I heard the toilet flush and looked back. He snatched the slushie from my hand and took a sip, "I wa--" he almosted choked "I wanna meet your friends" he said. I coughed a bit, "what!?" I shouted "I want to meet your friends" he grabbed my wrist. "Please.." He gave me the puppy dog eyes, "fine" his eyes lit up and color restored to them;
But only for a second. "Bye Megs!" He said dragging me out of the room, when we got to the side walk he started drinking the slushie again. "Can I ask you something?" He nodded "how'd you, uhmm, die?" He stopled in his tracks. I stopped then paused for a minute before opening his mouth, no words. After a few minutes of awkward silence he said "which time.." A small mumble was heard. "Wait what?" I asked confused "I've died 37 times dude.." He said softly. "Any of them" I said "well the body you see right now is me the original me!" He said with a smile. "Zachary Edward Jones was my name" I got interested in the story immediately "I have a deck of cards each one goes to a different world, different realm, different au" we began walking again. "One day I traveled to the wrong place at the wrong time" he pulled out a deck of some sort of card game. He opened the box and pulled out a certain card with a blue marking on it. The card read 'Sally Face' my eyes grew wide "your realm killed me the 37th time Larry" he smiled at me. He took a sip of the slushie again, "Sal is nice too" he said after. When we got to the apartment I still needed to process what he told me. I pushed the door open and handed Sal his slushie, "took ya long enough!" Ash shouted. "Who's he?" Todd asked, "everybody meet Zachary" I said with a smile. "Did you pay an emo striper to dance for us?" Neil asked, Todd smacked him aside the head. "I'm not a striper" I heard Zachary's calm, but slightly girly voice say. "I'm just a friend of Larry's" he finished,"Nice to meet you, I'm Ashley!" Ash said "Sal, that's Todd and over there is Neil" Sal said. "Nice to meet you all" he laughed, "I feel like i kn--" Sal paused "you died though?" He finished. "You do remember me!" He said happily "no shit!" Sal shouted "I'm confuzzled" Todd said. Sal hugged Zachary tightly and they fell to there knees hugging, "They killed you.." He mumbled in his ear. "I'm very confused who's they?" I said, "the kids in my school" he said with a smile. "Your realm didn't exactly kill me, the doctors did" he said. "Can you move in with us!" Ash asked, "sure" Zach said with a cheeky smile. "I'll take you to your room" Ash said and
Zach got up and grabbed his hand leading him away. "Your cool with a fucking zombie moving in!" I shouted angrily, "He's my friend!" Sal shouted back. "Hes dead sal!" Sal's eyes widened, he stormed off and down the hallway. "Real smooth Larry" Neil said before Todd and Neil both stood up and Went after Sal;
I was left alone. I sat down and ran my hands through my hair with a small groan, I immediately felt bad. I got up and walked down the hallway to see Zach crying into Ash's shoulder. "He heard you" Sal looked at me with hate in his crystal blue eyes, "I-i'll just leave then.." Zach picked up his slushie and began walking away quickly. "No Zach I'm sorry" I said with remorse in my voice, he stopped. He turned around with a small bounce, he smiled at me "I can stay?" He said "yes we already said" Sal said. "Great Ash come with me to get my stuff?" Ash nodded and they left. Todd immediately smacked the back of my head "he's staying, I think Ash and him are getting to be great friends" Todd said with a small smile. "Fine gosh Todd that's the manliest you've ever been" I groaned, Todd rolled his eyes.

Word count: 1058

Wow what a suprise I happened the smash the fourth wall XD enjoy this chapter I might be taking a break off wattpad for a bit though.

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