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I woke up to the small screech of a female, I glanced over at the door to see Ashley with her phone in her hand. I saw the small flash before she ran off, I groaned before pushing myself off the bed and rubbed my eyes wiping the tiredness from them. I yawned as I stretched a bit before walking out of Larry's room. "Morning sal," Zachary said with a smile, "morning..." I mumbled before walking outside I bumped into Neil and stumbled backwards. I looked at him and smiled before walking back inside, I saw Larry on the couch and Todd laughing with Ashley. "Gay!" Todd laughed as he pointed at me "your gay too?.." I said groggily. His eyes widened before he looked at his hands "oh my God..." he said with a suprised tone. I mentally face palmed myself before I let out a small laugh, I walked into the kitchen and started shuffling through the fridge. Larry trailed behind me and grabbed a water bottle off the counter top. I grabbed the block of cheese and broke a piece off and stuffed it in my mouth. The flavor of the cheese seemed to melt in my mouth, "you seem hungry" Larry laughed, I nodded. I swallowed the cheese before grabbing the last bottle of water and chugging it. I only got half way through the bottle before almost drowning, I gasped a bit as I pulled the bottle away. "Hey Larry, get me a bottle of water!" I heard Neil shout from the living room, I snickered before walking out of the kitchen. "Theres no more bottled water," I said with a small smile, "I'll go shopping!" Zach volunteered with enthusiasm in his voice. "No that's okay, I ca--" Zach cut me off, "no no, I live here to now so I can go shopping" he insisted. "Okay, money is in the cookie jar" Larry said interrupting me from trying to go instead. I glared at Larry with the death glare, he shrugged with a sorry expression. I stood up and hugged Larry and whispered "meanie.." he groaned slightly. "Sal and me are going to," Larry said with a groan following it, "I need new clothes" I said as Larry went into the kitchen and the sound of the clanking ceramic cookie jar was heard. I ran towards the door and put on my shoes and pulled Larry's out of the closet, I looked at Zachs shoes and pulled them out of the closet as well. Larry and Zach put their shoes on and we left the house, I ran ahead and almost tripped multiple times. Larry helped me each time, I ran into the store and my arm was immediately grabbed by someone I didn't recognize. "Slow down," I looked up and saw a security guard staring at me sternly. "Let go of him," Larry grabbed the security guards arm sternly.

Word count: 488

Another short chapter, I don't have much inspiration for this book honestly I might go on hitas

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