11《Baby Blue》11

339 17 7

This is a 1k special! So enjoy

Smut warning ;3


I bit into the first slice of pizza and Larry picked up another and bit into it. The sauce slid onto the bottom of my chin, I chewed the bite and swallowed. I finished the slice quickly and then tilted my head onto his shoulder. I smiled softly "Larry face" I chuckled "Sally Face" he wrapped his arm around me. I moved his arm and moved to sit on his lap while facing him. I kissed his forehead "Mwah!" I giggled like a little kid, I looked into Larry's eyes. The faint blush colour spread across his cheeks that slowly grew darker, I rested my elbows on his shoulders. I pressed my chest against his as our faces were inches apart. "I Love you Larry," I let a small grin tug at my lips, "I love me too sal" Larry teased. I huffed and my face began to feel a bit warm, "I love you too.." he cupped my face and kissed me passionately. He wrapped his arms around my waist as we shared a kiss that tasted like tomatoes and bread but was still sweet. I broke away from the kiss and began twirling a strand of his hair around my finger. "Can I do your hair?" I asked while I batted my eyelashes with puppy dog eyes. He smiled "yea- no" he said to me with a smile that turned to a stern look. "Pweaaaassee~" I whined with a baby voice, "fine!" He stretched out with a small grunt following close behind. I got off of his lap and he got off the couch sitting in front of me. I sat in a comfortable position before running my hands through his slightly greasy hair. I grabbed one of Ash's hair brushes that were on the coffee table, "her brushes are everywhere I'm sure she wouldn't mind me using one!" I chirped. I began brushing his hair before hearing him hum, I continued to brush through his tangled hair before pulling it back. I pulled one of my elastics from my hair with my free hand, I tied his hair up into a ponytail. "Done!" I chuckled, he turned his head and puckered up his lips out slightly, I placed a kiss on his lips and before he could kiss back I pulled away. He stood up quickly before cupping my face and tilted it up so I faced him. "I want to kiss you" he smiled at me, I puckered my lips making a small squeaking noise and he kissed me deeply. I kissed him back and he grabbed my waist and pulled me close, I stood up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he deepened the kiss pulling me closer. Our chests were touching, our mouths parted for a second before Larry pushed his tongue into my mouth. I gasped a bit before we began to kiss eachother passionately once again. He pulled away a string of saliva connecting our tongues. I quickly jerked my head away the string of saliva fell from our mouths, I closed my mouth and Larry let go. I fell onto the couch and curled into a little ball and shivered, he sat next to me. I felt a certain kind of pain in my pants before noticing the tent in my pants. I covered up the crotch part of my pants and my face began heating up quickly, "what's wro-- " Larry said "oh okay.. want me to, uh- help?" I felt a bit of pain down there. "I'll wait-wait it out..." I mumbled; "no I can help," Larry said softly I shook my head no. "Come on sal," Larry said "I can go at a speed you'd be comfortable with.." he sounded like he actually wanted to help. I still denied him "I'll wait it out" I repeated, "next time, you won't" he sternly said.

-Time skip-

I woke up being held by Larry, I didn't feel pain down there anymore and I felt refreshed. I gently lifted Larry's hand up and crawled out of bed and away. I tried not to wake him up and I succeeded, I walked out of the room and into the bathroom; I grabbed the towel out of the closet into the bathroom. I turned the bathtub on and it began filling, I began to undress myself and when finished I got into the tub.

-smol time skip-

I got out of the tub and began draining the tub, I wrapped the towel around my bottom half and walked out of the bathroom. I looked at Larry he woke up, "morning sleepy head" I chuckled. "Morning half naked boy" he said with a grin on his face as he rubbed his eyes groggily. "My body is sexy!" I shouted quickly slapping my hands over my mouth regretting what I said. "Hell yea It is!~" his voice became soft and well, seductive it kinda turned me on. I felt my face warm up, and a small pain down there. Larry glanced down at the towel and smirked before looking back up into my eyes with lust chasing me. The small cloudy skies of lust written in his eyes, "I told you, i wouldn't let you wait it out next time~.." he stood up. He took gentle steps towards me, I began to think about him touching me in that way. It made me feel weird, but a good type of weird almost pleasing. He grabbed my waist, his cold fingers began trailing along my sides I jumped a bit. He brought one hand to my chin and tilted my head up, so I looked him in the eyes. He turned us around and began slowly pushing me towards the bed, when the back of my legs hit the bed board I fell onto the bed. He got on top of me and began kissing me, I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He licked the bottom of my lip asking for entrance, I accepted as he began to shove his tongue into my mouth. His warm breath mixing with mine, his lips still tasting of pizza. He began to rub his knee against my crotch in little circles, he got a small moan from me. He pulled away a bit before beginning to kiss my neck, trailing small kissed from my neck down my chest and to my V line. He grabbed the top of the towel not removing it just rubbing just above the towel gently. I let out a small moan when he kissed my V line once again. He pulled the towel off and looked at my length, "I can work with this" he chuckled before looking up at me and kissing the tip as he held it. I let out a moan, "I-I'm-I'm sensitive~" I gasped before taking me into his mouth. He began bobbing his head, my back arched and I began moaning loudly. He reached up and covered my mouth with his hand, his two fingers slipped into my mouth as my eyes rolled back. I was moaning as he bobbed his head with his fingers in my mouth pressing on my tongue, I was close and Larry noticed. He took my length out of his mouth and licked the shaft to the tip. My back arched as my eyes rolled back before I released into his mouth. He stood up and threw the towel onto me, he swallowed and smiled at me, "Salty~" he chuckled.

Word count: 1256


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