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I had just yelled at Larry and he was crying, shit had I messed up or made the wrong choice? Waves of regret hit me one by one I felt sick, he stared at me with hurt eyes. "Leave.." I mumbles before tears fell from my eyes onto the dark stone, making it go darker. I looked back up at him making eye contact with him, I watched him walk off not getting back in the car just walking away. That bitch ran up to him and hugged him, she stuck her tongue out at me as she smiled. I was on the breaking point, I ran at her clutching my fist tightly before hitting her square in the nose. She fell to the ground with a grunt before looking up at me cuffing her cheek. Her eyes filled with tears as is stared at her with a strong posture and expression. "your crazy!" She shouted at me as the tears stroked her rose cheeks as they fell from her chin. I smirked before turning away from her and beginning to walk off "just unique princess!" I lifted my hand above my head and stuck up the middle finger. I snickered as I walked back into the house staring at Larry as he helped her up off the concrete. She dusted her tight dress off and stormed off with Larry's hand in hers. I felt a something touch my shoulder making me flinch. I turned around and saw Todd's soft eyes, I fell into his arms as he hugged me. I screamed my hurt into his chest my tears stained his shirt as Neil stroked my shoulder. I felt limp now and began shoving my face into his chest more before the door opened. I turned around and saw Ash, Zach and a new person I saw Larry outside the door and Neil flipped him off. "Hey this is Oliver!" Zach said with a smile "hes a old friend," he added with a smile. I waved at him and wiped the tears from my eyes, "now tell me what the fuck is wrong!" Ash grabbed my shoulders. I was a bit shocked but she got in my face, I winced when her nail scraped against my skin. I wiggled uncomfortably, "Tell. Me. Right. Now. Mr." She said sternly.  "H-he-he-" I got cut off "Larry cheated on him" Neil's voice seemed angry. I looked at the ground as Ash let go, my arms hung lifeless at my sides. "LARRY!" She swung the door open the handle hitting the wall, it startled me so I looked up. I backed up when Ash ran out the door, I ran after her when I heard her screaming. "You BiTcH get back HeRe!" Her voice was loud but cracking. I was still running my hair slowly falling from the pigtails, I caught up to Ash but was tackled to the ground my Neil. I hit the ground and let out a scream of agony, Neil stood up and helped me. Ash came and punched Neil in the shoulder, I rubbed my arm and whimpered. Larry was right in front of me, with sorrow filled and puffy eyes, He pulled me closer to him by my waist. It felt nice, but I wasn't going to forgive him, I looked up at him dead in the eyes and pushed him away. "He's mine now darling!~" I heard the bratty voice of that girl, I looked at her as she moved in gentle steps towards Larry. She touched his chest and he shivered, he slapped her across the face tumbling to the ground in shock. "Ow!" She shouted as she rubbed her cheek, "I love sal.." he mumbled under his shakey breath. "Then why'd you cheat!" Ash scoffed, "to get him concert tickets.." I could hear him realizing how stupid he was. "I could have lended you money!" Ash screamed, "uhm guys, the police are hear?" I heard a new voice assuming it was Oliver's. His voice was soft but panicked, I turned around and saw an officer walking towards us. "Everything okay here?" He asked we all said yes, I decided to allow Larry to try to make it up to me.

We all sat on the couches and I finally got to see Oliver in the actual light. His brown hair was nicely highlighted, about shoulder length and well his eyes sparkled. My eyes were still tear filled so I couldn't see all of his features but he looked nice. I smiled softly "nice to meet you Oliver..." I trembled a bit. He smiled softly "nice to meet you Sal" I stood up and left the room before my back slid down the door. Tears began bubbling up in my eyes again as I began to cry once again.

《Completed》Sweet Lost Love《Sallarry》Where stories live. Discover now