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Sal had chased Zach for 20 minutes and 5 seconds, by the end of the chasing he had been out of breath.


I laughed at Sal as he hunched over and gasped for air, "ho-holy shit.." he muffled through his harsh breathing. My laughing slowly stopped as I wiped the small tear off my cheek, I smiled at sal warmly before getting up to ,give him a hug.

~2 days later~

Me and sal were watching TV, I was holding him tightly as he cuddled up against my chest. "I want to take you on a date" I whispered softly into his ear, he nodded and hugged me back. Sal and I began to walk outside of our apartment and down the street when suddenly he grabbed my hand with a smile. We interlaced our fingers and he held my hand the entire way to my secret place only he knew about. When we got to the treehouse I let him climb up first, I smiled as I got up there and he smiled back. I sat next to him and wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer, he smiled at me. "So what do you want to do?" Sal asked "cuddle" I mumbled before glancing over at him. I lifted his mask over his mouth and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, I smiled into the kiss as our lips moved in sync. I pulled back "I like you a lot Larry," he said with a smile, "I do to" I could only feel the sinking feeling in my chest after he said like. A few minutes later sal fell asleep in my embrace, I picked him up and tried to get down and out of the treehouse. I quickly got into my room and set him on my bed, I sat down at his feet and smiled at his sleeping figure. I left his prothstetic in the treehouse but didn't realize it as I stared at his fragile looking body. I got in bed next to him and wrapped my arms around him, I pulled his body closer and placed a kiss on his forehead. I slowly drifted off to sleep as I held my boyfriend close to my chest.
I woke up the next morning and sal wasn't there, he was on the floor drawing something. I sat up and positioned my legs next to sal, "whatcha doing?" I asked with a tired smile. "Drawing.." he mumbled as he drew a stick figure, "its you" he said with a smile tugging at his lips. I patted his head like a dog who had done something good, and stook up. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face, I lathered my face with soap before briefly washing it off. I looked in the mirror as I grabbed my toothbrush and got the slightest amount on before brushing my teeth. I spat out the excess before gargling a bit of water and spitting that out, I slicked my bangs back and walked back out of the bathroom. I saw sal passed out with his drawings right next to him, I smiled at him again before lifting him and putting him back in my bed.

Word count: 542

Okurr I have writers block I'll write again when writers block and gender dysphoria isn't a bitch.

(So schedule may be a day or two off)

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