6《A new roommate》6

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Zach and Ashley got all of his stuff and brought it back to the large house they all lived in, they came back and put his bags in his new room.

《Sal's POV》

I still can't believe Zachary's alive, I still don't know how he travels through worlds. He offered to take me to another place but quickly changed his mind. "I don't want to change the future to much.." he looked upset "I'm not aloud to even talk about this.." his soft posture quickly changed to a small smile. "We can't have the world crumble around us can we?" He asked and we nodded,

《2 hours after unpacking》

"so what's your favorite song?" Ash asked put of no where, he thought for a minute;
"Wine red, by The Hush Sound" he said with a smile. "What?" Ash asked, "To you it's a fictional band from a story" he explained and we stretched "Oh" out in sync. "Hey Zach, do you like reading?" Todd asked him "obviously!" He immediately shouted out. "What's your favorite genre?" Todd asked, "Hmmm, horror or romance" he shrugged "I'm stuck in the middle" he added with a smile. "Anyone hungry?" He asked us, we all nodded except me before I checked the time '7:47pm' I nodded. "I'll go to the store to bring back some food" he said with a smile before walking out the door. I glanced over at Ash to notice a faint blush spread across her cheeks. "I THINK ASH LIKES HIM!" I noticed Larry noticed too, "dude hes a gay" I giggled. "Oh well, LARRY LIKES SAL, SAL LIKES LARRY!" Ash shouted with a small grunt after. My face heated up intensely, "I- I uhmm..." I lost my words. I didn't know what happened next but my face was grabbed and Larry kissed me, his gentle lips pressed against mine was almost intoxicating. I kissed him back before hearing Todd and Neil burst into laughter, Larry pulled back and I didn't want him to. I grabbed his face and pulled him back into our kiss, it was a passionate one. "Get a room..." Ash mumbled, "Okay!" Larry stood up and picked me up with him bridal style. "nOoOooO mY BrO" I shouted before Larry sat back down with me in his lap. "Want to be my," Larry made things dramatic by putting his long ass hair in front of his face. "BOYFRIEND?!" He flipped is hair up so it was behind him, "WhY yEs GoOd SiR" I made my voice purposely crack.  He kissed me again and it was the best 2 seconds of my life, we all just heard Todd laughing his butt off behind us. "Oh my jesus lords! Bahaha!" Todd said I glanced up to see Zachary with a cheeky smile. "Don't.." I knew what he was going to do, "Your," he grinned "no" I said, "fish" "I said no!" I shouted "gay..." he said. "That's it!" I stood up and he repeated "YOURFISHGAY" he ran away from me as I chased him around the house.

Word count: 509

Sorry it's short I have school today, I'll try to update when I can.

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