《Chapter 2》

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Sal had been crying for around 2 hours now, I hate seeing him like this Travis is sitting in my room trying to talk to sal. I can here him crying even outside the bedroom, Gosh his sobs are to innocent. I began to feel my stomach shrink as I heard crashing and screaming from my room, I ran inside and saw sal on the ground. Travis had threw one of my paintings at him, then my radio? My body was filled with rage, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE" I shouted at Travis. His eyes widened before he ran away like the baby back bitch he is, I ran to sal and picked him up. He was out cold, I sighed before setting him down in my bed. I sat next to him and checked the time '1:06 am' I groaned slightly before laying next to him. He slowly shuffled closer to me I'm guessing to get warmth from me because I'm so HAWT. (Don't fuckin' as me I'm highly gay) I felt my face warm up before I wrapped my arms around his small frame and fell asleep.


I woke up with blurred vision and being held by another person, when my vision cleared I saw Larry. My face began to heat up quickly 'oh shit, oh fuck, cockadoodle dooooo' I thought as my eyes wandered around the room. All I remember before dark was me and travis arguing, and he, hit me... I felt tears begin to fill my eyes as Larry began to wake up. I quickly wiped the tears away and smiled awkwardly at him;
he smiled awkwardly back at me. "Hey" he said followed by a small yawn "sup" I tried to act cool. My face was warm I could tell I pushed away from Larry before standing up I stepped on a piece of plastic. I let out a sqeak of pain as I winced "holy shit you okay!?" Larry quickly stood up and I fell onto his bed "just stepped on something" I said holding a smile. "Let me see!" He said "no!" I said back he took my sock off anyway, "your bleeding!" He shouted. He stood back up and grabbed a random bandage on his dresser. He put it on my foot and put my sock back on, I felt awkward while this was happening. I didn't care really, I stood back up and hugged Larry. "Thanks.." I said with a smile on my face, "I have to go to the market" he said I nodded and with that he was gone. I decided to go back up to my room so that's what I did, when I got there I saw Travis he had a sorry expression on his face. I didn't think twice on when I said we could talk, so we went into my room and he, locked the door? I didn't think much of it "listen sal I'm so sorry I hit you" he said inching closer to me. I was beginning to get uncomfortable with his actions (smut warning) "please forgive me" he said under his breath. He pushed me onto my bed and I began to realize he was going to, no he couldn't. I began to feel worried "what are you doing?!" His lips got closer to mine. "Showing you a nice time" he said in a calming way, I shook my head no "no I'm not ready" I shivered a bit. "well to bad" he shoved his lips against mine my eyes were wide as he moved his lips. I tried to push him off but I couldn't he pulled away and gasped a bit "kiss me back" he said "or I'll hurt Larry" my eyes got wider. I nodded shakingly before he kissed me again I kissed him back non passionately. He began to rub my crotch with lust in his eyes, when he pulled away I looked directly into his green lust filled eyes he looked hungry almost. He began to kiss my neck I felt tears bubble up in my eyes, "please.." I begged for him to let go "please for me to do every naughty thing to your pale body?.." he said charmingly in my ear. I shook my head no again but he ignored, he shoved his hand up my shirt and I began to let my tears slide down my cheeks. He slid my shirt off then my Jean's, he grabbed my bed sheet and pulled a knife from his back pocket. My eyed grew as wide as they could before he cut my bed sheet into long strips. He tied them around my wrists tightly then tied them to the frame of my bed. I began to try to scream for help, but people only pounded on the walls and screaming 'shut up'. All I could do is cry at this minute, so I did I cried he looked at me without sympathy in his eyes. He slid his hands inside of my boxers and grabbed my length, he moved his hands at a fast speed ever so slightly touching my tip every few minutes. I gasped for air as I held back my moans crying for help as he moved his hand quicker. Tears pouring from my eyes as I gasped through my sobs, then I heard what to me at the time was an angel. "SAL, WHATS WRONG" Larry's raspy stoner voice shouted as he pounded on my door. "You tell him everything's fine or I'll hurt him" I felt sick from Travis's words but I agreed. "Ev-everything's fine Larry just sick" I said as Travis pulled his hand out of my boxers. "Get dressed" Travis whispered in my ear "Okay but sal Ashley's here!" My face lit up with a smile as I pulled my clothing back onto my shaking body. I ran to the door and unlocked it swinging it open "where!?" I shouted excitingly. "Basement" he said with a smile but it slowly turned into hatred "hey Travis" I felt sick from the name Travis. I shook it off and smiled "we got back together" Travis said my stomach exploded. "Oh I see, don't hit sal again" Larry said sternly "let's go see Ash.." I said with a hint of sadness lurking in my voice. I walked out of my room and out of my apartment, I sighed as the elevator carried us to the basement.

Word count: 1083

it's not that short this time, okay so this is already getting a sh*t ton of reads, I have no idea what to write about so have Travis taking advantage of sal! I'm probably after this going to do it based off of songs because I'm good at that.
Anyway I'm working on a new book called Trapped in time and I was wondering if you would read it when I posted it?
It's about paranormal stuff like that, leave your thoughts in the comments.

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