《Chapter 3》

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《Larry's POV》

When we got down to the basement Travis grabbed sals hand and it made his squeak. He seems off I don't know what it is, but I think its because Travis well hit him. I brushed it off as that as we walked into my bedroom, Sal immediately hugged Ash. He smiled so wide it made me happy to see him smile, Ashley patted sals head and then hugged me. I hugged her back "welcome back" I said I noticed she looked mad "Travis.." she mumbled. "Ashley.." Travis gave Ash the death stare before kissing Sal, Sal looked like he was going to cry. His legs began to wobble before he collapsed, he was still awake but barely. I dropped down in front of him and cupped his face, he still didn't have his mask on. He hasn't for a while, he probably forgot to put it on from his excitement on Ash being back. "Sal you okay?" I asked he nodded his eyes fluttering and rolling into the back of his head. "Call the ambulance or something!" Travis panicked. It was at this point my mom had walked into the chaos "sal stay with me!" I shouted seeing his body shake intensely. "Larbear what's wrong with sal?" She asked "I have no clue" I cupped sals face watching him slowly go unconscious. His entire body gave up on him as he passed out, "fuck fuck FUCK! I did this!" Travis shouted. "The fuck you mean!" I shouted back standing up ready to pummel the shit out of Travis. "I-I.." he ran out of the apartments, my vision blurred up before I focused back on sal. I scooped him up In my arms and held him close "mom can you drive us to the hospital?" "of course!" She shouted. I carried sal to the car, this was the longest drive in the world just to the hospital. When we got there they immediately took sal away from us, I was feeling so many mixed emotions. "Larry don't cry" Lisa hugged me, "he'll be okay" she reasured me.

*time skip*

They are now letting us see sal, when we walked into the room Henry was already there. "They said a possible drug overdose" my eyes widened, "I'm going to kill Travis" Henry's eyes grew wide too. "That's Sal's boyfriend though!" He said in a panic, "he said he did this" the doctor walked inside the room. "Not a drug overdose, he was feeling overwhelmed and ended up fainting nothing serious" he said. The next words he said killed me "he has evidence of sexual damage" I felt angry and uncomfortable. "TRAVIS IS SO FUCKING DEAD!" I shoved by the doctor and began running out of the hospital. I was going to kill him, I didn't even care I was a victim anymore. When I got to Travis's door I pounded on it, who I'm guessing is his dad answered. "Where Is he!?" I pushed the older man down and away from the door. "Hey get out!" The man shouted "your fucking son where is he!" I shouted at him. "He isn't here" he said cowardly before whispering a prayer. I ran down the hall and opened ever door and yelled out for Travis. When I walked into the last room I saw Travis crying in the corner. "you sexual assaulted your boyfriend!" I shouted before grabbing him by his hair and dragging him out of his room. I wasn't going to hurt him in any permanent way I took him to the police station and threw him to the ground. "This boy sexually harassed my friend!" I shouted and an officer immediately asked me how I knew. When I explained it they put Travis in hand cuffs and took him away.

Word count: 633

This is sum BEEEEEFFF sorry I am strange and Larry is a smart boy. I'm trying to update twice a day for this book one long chapter one short.

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