《Chapter 4》

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The officers took Larry back to the hospital, sal had woken up and Larry hugged him till he couldn't breathe.

《Sal's POV》

After Larry had finished hugging me I asked what happened, "Larry went to kill Travis" Todd said "But Travis is in custody" Larry finished. I nodded before my dad walked in, "sal your awake!" He said happily. I nodded but my head still hurts a bit, "anyway you just collapsed to the ground" Todd said "right after Travis kissed you.." Larry said in an unimpressed tone. "Larry started crying!" Ash teased with a grin on her face, "shut up!" Larry shouted back his face getting red "No need to fight over this trash!" I interrupted there small argument. "your not junk sal!" Todd said "no no!don't feel that way about yourself!" Larry panicked "awe your not trash sal" Henry smiled. "don't talk about yourself like that young lady! You are a majestic fucking masterpiece!" I could tell Ash's mom mode was activated. "Who told you were trash! I'll complain to there parents!" She began to ramble "your not trash!" She began.. Crying?! "Oh fuck what have I started!" I shouted beginning to worry, "yo-your not trash!" She stretched out 'trash'. "Okay okay I'm not!" I said in a panicked way she immediately stood up and smiled "good" she said happily. "What the fuck just happened" Larry said and I shrugged, the doctor walked in and asked me to try and stand. So I did with help of Larry though he kinda refused to let me go because he was scared. Lisa had to pry him off me so I could walk without him grabbing onto me.

~6 months later~

"Aghhh! What the fuck!" Larry shouted as I giggled intensely "do it!" Ash began chanting constantly. "Fine!" Larry groaned before grabbing a sharpie and going into the bathroom. We could all here him mumbling about something, we all were giggling messes while he was in the bathroom. When he came out a few minutes later I glanced over at him and couldn't help but laugh, "Pfft! BAHAHAHAHA" I laughed so hard that I began to cry. I looked up and Larry with one eye closed and tears in my eyes, I looked at his now dick covered face with the writing 'Thisdoodgey' on his forehead. Everyone was practically pissing themselves while laughing at Larry, "STOP ITS NOT FUCKING FUNNY!" His yelling made everyone but me stop laughing. I continued laughing my ass off as Larry was looking at me with the death stare, "wait its Sal's turn" my laughing stopped as soon as I heard those words from Ash. "Pick out of the hat what to write on you and where" Todd said, I nervously picked a piece of paper out of the bowl. I unfolded it slowly and my mouth dropped "I got the only one of these" I mumbled and Ash immediately broke down into laughter. "Read it" Larry demanded I took a deep breath "write your crushes name on your chest, then let others write and draw on your entire body." Larry began laughing as I finished. I stood up and ran into the bathroom I pulled my shirt down and thought for a minute. I hadn't really liked anyone since, my stomach spun in circles.. Travis. I thought for a couple more seconds before writing 'Larry' on my chest. I sighed before letting go of my shirt so it covered his name and walked out of the bathroom sitting back down. "Who'd you write!" Larry said "Aye! He doesn't have to show" I smiled at Ash's words she was the only one I told about my crush on Larry. "Fine, get over here dickwad! I'm drawing dicks all over you" I groaned as I laid down and let them write and draw whatever they wanted. I ended up falling asleep, I woke up the next day to only see Todd, his boyfriend and Ash no Larry. I sighed before pushing myself off the floor and into the bathroom, I decided to take a look at what they wrote or drew. I found a shit load of dicks, and a bunch of words I read them mentally 'Blue boy, Masked bro, Girly boy and something signed with Larry's name.' I read the last on off. 'Hey dude, you are pretty skinny eat more -Larry" I laughed as I finished reading. I walked out of the bathroom and out of my room, I found Larry on my couch still with the drawings on his face. I chuckled, I walked downstairs and put my shoes on, I walked to the front door and opened it. I didn't think I would ever see this person again, I mentally gagged "hey Sally Face" a blonde boy with green eyes said to me. "Travis!?" I shouted hoping someone would wake up, "Yeah it's me baby, did you miss me!" He shoved me into my house. He reached behind him and pulled a knife out, he began laughing with a smile from ear to ear. My eyes widened before seeing flashing lights and Larry tackling Travis to the ground. "Sal call the police!" Larry shouted, I quickly ran to the phone and tried to dial 9-1-1. The phone rung for a while, "9-1-1 what do you need" the operator asked "Police!" I shouted in a panic. "Stay on the line" the voice seemed friendly, "9-1-1 what's your emergency" the next operator spoke. "Travis Phelps! Hes a man in my house right now" I said panicked, I heard a loud grunt behind me. I looked back to see Larry had knocked out Travis, "where is your address" I heard the man say. "2336 Boston street" I said with a shrunken tone, I sighed with a gasp after they said "help is on the way."

Word count: 979

I re-wrote the chapter I didn't like it so meh, here's the new chapter 4!

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