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Ladybug POV.
We need to get this over with I can't stay in this black mask forever! Since cat has the hold of my miraculous and powers, I can do nothing! At least not as ladybug... But I can do my thing as cat noir... I have to tell kitty.
"Cat noir I've got a plan! I know how to use your lucky charm! But we have to do it soon it's getting dark... And trust me we won't be able to do anything if the lights go out!" I told him while I could still hear Switcher screaming my civilian name as she spread fear across the streets of Paris.
I whisper the plan to cat noir who seems to get it.
I hope this works...
" You sure about this Bugaboo???" Cat asked me with a look of concern in his emerald green eyes. They looked different, maybe just as my bluebell eyes are looking pretty weird under the cat mask. But as I looked closely, they seemed a lot familiar to me.
"You have to trust me on this one, "I assured him.
"Always" he seemed to whisper.
And for the first time that day, I had a feeling I had heard that voice somewhere.

Ladybug and cat noir now swung through the streets across the Louvre museum and as they reached the Eiffel tower, they came face to face with Switcher.
She was spinning her bow which now she held in her hand instead of being tied on her waist like ladybug's yo-yo.
It seemed a lot bigger than what she had seen earlier when their miraculous were switched.
It seemed to Ladybug that the bow got bigger and more powerful as it switched people.
"You ready kitty?"
"Anytime for you m'lady"
"Fine. Let's see how this works. CATACLYSM!"
Ladybug told cat to execute the plan.
As Switcher turned to damage cat noir ladybug jumped from behind and used the cataclysm on the ground beneath them.
"What! Not you two again!" The vilian screamed.
"Yes we again, when it comes to the safety of the Parisians, We will always come back" ladybug replied.
"Cat noir, the bow, break it quick!"
"At your service, M'lady..."
Cat breaks the stone-like bow and Ladybug captures the Akuma.
"Pound it," they both said in sync.
"Good job kitty"
"Good job Bugaboo"

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