An Identity Reveal!?

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Marinette POV.
I went to the Agreste house to have a little talk with Mr Agreste on what I was supposed to design.
Yesterday I told him that I had randomly designed a few dresses which technically, is half true...
I didn't exactly design them yesterday but I did design them, which kinda saved me.
So I brought those new designs with me to the Agreste mansion and I rung the bell.
No one answered.
I rang it again and then I saw the camera zooming on my face.
For the record, I didn't stutter or simper like an idiot there cause I knew it was gonna be Nathalie.
Before I could say something, the camera went back inside the wall.
I was pretty confused...
But a moment later the door opened.
It was actually pretty weird of Nathalie to do so but I entered and then...
He was the one who opened the door up for me.
He opened the giant castle-ic gate of his mansion with a pretty excited smile.
It was as though he was waiting for my visit.
He was really happy and seeing him like that, I also felt happy.
"H-hello Adrien." I stuttered which caused me to mentally Facepalm myself.
Marinette, you need to get better control of your emotions.
"Hey Marinette! I am so happy you are here! Father and Nathalie went for a business appointment in England. At least that's what he said. I was so bored as I had no one to talk to except Gorilla who literally speaks nothing. I was kinda waiting for you to come." Adrien told me the reason behind his excitement.
I nodded and smiled and then, I realized something.
"But, if your father's not here, then how will I proceed with my designs? I don't have a clue what he wants for his next fashion line!" I said panicking.
"No need to worry bout that. He already told me what his fashion line would be based on. It would be spring collection. It's so awesome!" He reassured me and I breathed a sigh of relief.
"But then, my work here is done so... "
He saddened at this thought and I felt kind of guilty.
"Of course I could stay if you don't mind... " I finished.
His pretty face turned bright again and I felt happy.

For the next two hours, we talked to each other and I must admit, I felt open towards him. He had become a person whom I could share almost everything with. Except for my identity of course!

We chatted a few more minutes and then, we went down the stairs.

My eyes fell on the monitor displaying the moments captured by the CCTV camera.

I told Adrien that I would like to view the recordings. I had no particular reason, I just wanted to have a look at it.
He agreed and we viewed the entrance of the house. And then my face showed up on the screen.
I laughed at my own actions and clumsiness.
Adrien did too and just by looking at his happy face, I got so much happier!

Later, we viewed the main hall and the area where Adrien's mother's portrait was hung.

A weird scene made me lose my happiness to a serious face.
I saw him.
Gabriel Agreste, pressing some triangle buttons on the portrait and a secret passage opened beneath him.

Adrien stood frozen in his steps.
I saw his face.
A mixture of shock, sadness and disappointment.
"Why?" He muttered but loud enough for me to hear.
"Why did my father hide it from me?"
He said with tears in his eyes.
"WHY?" He shouted and hugged me as if he were a child.
I blushed for a second and on realizing the situation, I hugged him back.
"It's okay, stop sobbing. We are going to find out about this entire thing. Everything is going to be okay. Trust me." I consoled him.
He stopped crying and wiped his tears and after realizing our position, he immediately backed away with a crimson blush on his face.
"I-I am so sorry! I didn't do it on purpose and I-" I cut him off by saying that it was all okay and he did not have to worry about it.
And so, we went towards his mom's painting and stood there. I tried reaching those triangular buttons but I was too short. I told Adrien to give it a shot since he was a few inches taller than me.

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