"How about I give you 50 and you give me a kiss on the cheek?"
where yoongi uses an online website to create the ideal boyfriend which happens to be park jimin.
ineedlove&cuddles93: hiiii ☺️ you're new aren't you?
P-jimin: yes i am 😗
ineedlove&cuddles93: wow!! it's the first time i get you as one of my options im glad you were one
P-jimin: aweee me too! im here to give you love and attention this whole day!
ineedlove&cuddles93: thank you /.\
P-jimin: sure thing! so how are you doing baby?
ineedlove&cuddles93: good and you?
P-jimin: just perfect now that i'm talking to you my love<3
ineedlove&cuddles93: you're so sweet i like the pet names
P-jimin: and i like you!
ineedlove&cuddles93: i like you too :)
P-jimin: so are you really okay love? i read in your requests that you feel lonely is that true?
ineedlove&cuddles93: yeah a little i feel mostly sad
P-jimin: P-jiminsent a picture!
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don't be sad baby!!! im here to make you smile :) please don't be sad anymore! or else im going to be sad as well!!! you don't want me to be sad now do you?
ineedlove&cuddles93: no!!! i don't want you to be sad never don't be sad
P-jimin: as long as you're happy im happy babe :)
ineedlove&cuddles93: hey can i uh ... take a screenshot of your picture? i don't want you to think im a creep or something!!
P-jimin: ofc you can!! it's not creepy bc im your boyfriend :)
ineedlove&cuddles93: ineedlove&cuddles93took a screenshot of the chat! thank you /.\
P-jimin: gr8 :)) so let me make you smile for the next 24 hrs 😚
ineedlove&cuddles93: can't wait to keep smiling :)
ineedlove&cuddles93: jimin!! i just got home from work and i feel super tired im sorry we couldn't talk as much i was busy
P-jimin: i bet you do feel tired baby don't worry about that! i enjoyed every second i talked to you even if it wasn't a lot :)) where do you work?
ineedlove&cuddles93: i work as a CEO at a company
P-jimin: wow that's amazing
ineedlove&cuddles93: it's sort of pathetic right? like what is a CEO of a company doing on an online boyfriend rental website im pretty pathetic
P-jimin: never! don't say that! you're not pathetic, okay?
ineedlove&cuddles93: okay thank you :)
P-jimin: hey our 24 hours are almost up :(
ineedlove&cuddles93: oh no ... i just noticed that :/
P-jimin: yeah i enjoyed talking to you today hope i made your day a little better and i hope i made you smile so, so, so much if you ever decide to come back i will be here for you <3
ineedlove&cuddles93: i really enjoyed talking to you jimin and im really|
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