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Yoongi looked at Jimin who was avoiding eye contact. He went up and down the seesaw not looking at Yoongi once.

Today, he didn't greet Yoongi with a hug or a smile. He didn't even acknowledge his shirt like he usually did.

Today, Jimin treated him different and it honestly hurt him a lot. He felt helpless as he looked down at his lap.

They were on the same seesaw where they first had went to. Except, it wasn't dark. It was just past lunch time and by now they should've been talking about something ridiculous.

Or eating again, or watching some bad edited movie, or just enjoying each other's company.

Yoongi tried to swallow the lump in his throat. He felt a sudden fear of losing Jimin. How would he feel if he lost the most important person in his life?

Was Jimin growing tiered of him just like everyone else did? Was he not fun to be around anymore?

Or was it the pool scene that had him act this way? Yoongi felt extremely guilty after the pool incident. He honestly didn't mean for it to be so awkward.

And what made him feel guilter was the fact that he looked over the scene through his security cameras. He tried to find an expression on Jimin's face to see if he gave a sign he liked it but all he saw was fear in his eyes.

The silence was extremely tense and Yoongi wanted to say something. No words left his mouth because he didn't know how to even start a conversation.

It almost felt like they were strangers and Yoongi hated that so much. He needed him to speak, he needed to feel wanted, he needed to feel like this was real.

Yoongi looked up when he felt rain drops fall on his hair. It wasn't raining hard, it was barely just starting.

"We could go to my house and hang out since it's raining." Yoongi said out loud. Jimin finally looked up.

Yoongi noticed the purple under his eyes and he looked tired. He wanted to ask why but he didn't.

"Let's go over there." Jimin answered pointing to a shed.

Yoongi nodded but he felt hurt that Jimin totally ignored his question. It was definitely the pool scene. It had to be.

They stayed on the seesaw as the rain was picking up. Jimin then looked at Yoongi's hair which was starting to drip.

"Does she make you this needy, Jimin? Are you this needy for her?"

Jimin immediately got up and walked towards the shed. "We should go before we get wet." He quickly said.

Yoongi stayed on the seesaw for a few seconds. He looked at Jimin's spot which was now empty. He wondered if he would ever have to sit on the seesaw alone.

Yoongi quickly shook those bad thoughts off and followed Jimin to the shed. He took a seat beside him on a bench. It was pouring now and loud enough for Yoongi not to hear Jimin's quick breaths.

"Well, we can't leave now. We have to stay here." He laughed nervously. Yoongi turned to face him. He noticed an eyelash on Jimin's cheek.

He reached over to take it off and as soon as Yoongi's finger touched him he pulled away abruptly. Almost as if Yoongi was contagious or electrifying. He pulled his hand back and clasp both of them together to not make Jimin feel uncomfortable.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked after a while.

"Mad? What? No."

"It just feels like it. Is it because of the pool?"

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