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"What do we do?" Jimin asked as he looked out the car window. They had just finished eating like they usually do.

Yoongi didn't respond he instead looked at his side profile. Jimin was too invested on the pretty night sky to acknowledge Yoongi's stare.

That was the difference between them both. Jimin would rather look at his surroundings rather than Yoongi.

Whereas, Yoongi, couldn't ever stare at him enough. He needed to see him every second because if he didn't he would miss all the cute little things he did.

Like when he randomly smiled at the sky, or when he squeezed his eyes shut when thinking, or the way he kicked his feet while looking at the ground.

Everything about Jimin was fascinating. He often worried he would get too attached to him. What would be of his life if he ever decided to leave?

"We can do whatever you want." Yoongi finally responded. He knew Jimin had a girlfriend and he knew he was getting way too devoted to having him around.

But, Yoongi didn't care. He had decided he wanted Jimin in his life regardless. He wanted to have him somehow even if it was as a fake boyfriend.

Jimin glanced at the clock and then at Yoongi. "I've never gotten drunk before. I would like to experience the shitty hangover tomorrow morning."

"Won't your girlfriend get mad?" He instantly asked.

"No. She's not home today. She has wedding planning with a close friend of hers."

Home today?

"Oh, so you guys . . . live together?"

"We probably shouldn't—"

"Its okay to tell me. Only if you're okay with telling me. You don't have to and I'm not trying to invade your privacy in any way."

Jimin nervously fidget with his fingers. He shouldn't be talking to Yoongi about his girlfriend. He was Yoongi's rental and it was his job to keep him happy.

What person would be happy talking about their significant other when you're on a pretend date?

But Yoongi was different. There wasn't an awkwardness between them and to Jimin it felt like he could tell him everything.

"Yes, we live together. We've been living together for almost a year now."

Yoongi had to hide the fact that it stung. Jimin's words were literal venom burning his skin.

"I'm happy for you. I'm glad you have someone you love. I'm also glad she doesn't mind you working with the company. I'm glad we're friends."

The word friends didn't roll off his tongue as easy as he thought it would. He didn't want to be just friends. He wanted to have him all to himself but he knew that wasn't possible.

"She's always been very supportive and she met me while working at the company. At first she wasn't very happy about it but since I work with guys now it doesn't bother her anymore."

"Because you're not gay." Yoongi said out loud. Maybe, just maybe, if he heard it out loud he would engrave it in his mind.

Jimin wasn't gay.

Jimin had a girlfriend.

Jimin would never like him the way he wanted him to.

"Should we go? I know a good bar around here! Well, only if you want to take care of a drunk me." Jimin said changing the topic quickly.

"Yes, let's go. I don't mind at all. But, where are you suppose to stay afterwards? Do I drop you off home or—"

"Maybe! Let's see where the night takes us."

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