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"Hey, umm, don't get me wrong this is great and all, but, when are we actually going to see each other outside of your car?"

Jin turned to look at Namjoon with a frown plastered on his perfect face. "We can't! What if a paparazzi sees us? They'll snap a picture and next thing you know we're trending!"

"I highly doubt that paparazzis are going to be around here. I mean we're pretty far from the big towns. There's only like two stores and a gas station. Are they going to be waiting by the gas pump to stalk us or what?"

"I'm paranoid." Jin admitted.

"Why? We're just two dudes hanging out." Namjoon chuckled.

"Don't make fun of that!" Jin said with a bright red face.

"Okay, okay, sorry. Let's go walk around though! I really need to buy some stuff for my apartment. Might as well go now since we're close by. Plus, you're dressed regular today not in your fancy suits."


"Jin, trust me when I say this. No one will snap a picture of us. No one cares. Only you do."

"My fiancée will care."

"Then why are you renting my services huh?" Namjoon asked crossing his arms across his chest.

Jin opened his car door and Namjoon laughed, "Of course, always avoiding the questions."

"Hush, let's go buy your apartment shit."

"Okay! Look we're going to walk this way."

"If anyone recogniz-"

"They won't. I mean not even I recognized you. Maybe you're not as important as you pretend to be."

Jin's mouth dropped open and Namjoon bursted out laughing, "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! You're very important. Sorry, just trying to lightened the mood."

"You are worse than me!" Jin declared.

"If you wanna put it that way."

"What are you buying huh? Just to let you know I'm not paying for it."

"Of course you're not. You only purchase restaurant food or wherever we go on dates."

"Which we won't because—"

"Yes, dude. I understand."


Namjoon hummed, "Hmmm, unless you're trying to be my sugar daddy? You know minus the sex part. If you're offering to pay for all of my shit I'll accept."

Jin chuckled, "Yeah, right. Do I look like a sugar daddy? I'm not even old."

"You could be a young sugar daddy."

"Alright, could we stop with that word? It makes me cringe."

"Why?" Namjoon asked. Jin shrugged and Namjoon got close to his ear, "Sugar daddy." He whispered.

Jin almost karate chopped his neck and Namjoon winced stepping back, "Shit! Calm down! It's me!"

"We need to stay five feet apart."

"What are we? Twelve?"

"You're very snappy." Jin commented.

Namjoon pressed his hand against his heart, "I'm hurt." He joked.

Jin laughed and playfully smacked him. He immediately pulled back after touching his stomach.

"It's okay you can touch."

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