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can we meet up?
im sorry i didn't mean to come so strongP-jimin:
ofc we can!
your rented my services for a day!ineedlove&cuddles93:
can we meet umm at Pizza Paradise?P-jimin:
where's that?ineedlove&cuddles93:
look it up
it's a small pizza business
close to another townP-jimin:
yeah i see
i just looked it upineedlove&cuddles93:
idk ...ineedlove&cuddles93:
why? what's wrong?P-jimin:
i will rather meet at a place i know
im sorry i don't mean to be rude
i know you passed the background check and everything
i just uhineedlove&cuddles93:
it's fine
it's just that
it's not a good idea for us to see each other at a very public placeP-jimin:
are you like a panicked gay?
it's okay if you are!
im not judging baby!ineedlove&cuddles93:
no im not a panicked gay
it's because im well known
and idk if you're comfortable on being recognized with me
i mean this is only your job you know?
i wouldn't want to drag youP-jimin:
well known huh?
are you johnny depp or leonardo dicaprio?😅
because shiiiiiitttt if you are please let me be seen with youineedlove&cuddles93:
oh no
i wish i was either of them
but i am sort of knownP-jimin:
you did say you were a CEO right?
okay i got you
can we meet at Dream Pies??
it's my favorite sweet shop!
it's hidden as well and not many people know about it so im pretty sure no one will know
they sell lots of cupcakes and pies and cakes AND DELICIOUSNESSineedlove&cuddles93:
yes that's perfectP-jimin:
do you know where it's at?ineedlove&cuddles93:
but i just googled it and according to this it's about twenty minutes from my placeP-jimin:
what time do we meet?ineedlove&cuddles93:
if possible pleaseP-jimin:
yeah that's fine!
i will meet you there in 20
:)read 9:35 a.m.

Rental [yoonmin]
Fanfiction"How about I give you 50 and you give me a kiss on the cheek?" where yoongi uses an online website to create the ideal boyfriend which happens to be park jimin.