Jin gripped his steering wheel tighter. He didn't want to turn left. He knew if he did he would end up in "Dream Bean Coffee".
He had looked it up the day Namjoon told him about it and he memorized the route. That's why he hated remembering every detail.
There was a sudden car beep behind him and that's when he looked up and saw the traffic light was now on green.
His adrenaline kicked in and he turned left while cursing his mind. He knew he'd be late to the Valentines dinner with his fiancée.
Yet, he couldn't resist seeing Namjoon in person. Would he talk to him? No. Would he even approach him? No.
But all he wanted to do was to just see him from a distance. He didn't know why but he felt the strong urge to do so.
When he pulled up to the coffee place and parked his heartbeat increased. He had read about this before.
It was tachycardia.
Which was an abnormal fast heartbeat.
He had goggled it because he felt that when Namjoon sent him the first picture. He even thought of making a doctors appointment but what would he even tell his doctor?
And why was he making his heart race that way? Not even his fiancée did that and it terrified him.
He got out of his car undecidedly. Did he really wanted to do this? Did he really wanted to risk his engagement?
Jin took a deep breath and proceeded to walk. He had twenty-five minutes to spare so why not?
He looked down at his attire and thought it was appropriate enough. It was a white button up shirt and black khakis with black dress up shoes.
As he entered Dream Bean Coffee he expected Namjoon to be up front waiting for him, but of course it wasn't anything like that.
"Sir, do you have your membership approval?" A guy up front asked.
He unlocked his phone and showed him the screenshot with his membership. "Awesome! Just slide or insert your credit card please."
Jin took out his credit card and inserted it in the machine. He had read about this in the information alert he received from the website. This was just in case he had something to eat or he rented a rental. It would go out of his card.
"You may have a seat wherever you please. The show is about to start!"
Jin nodded as he put his card up along with his wallet. He walked to the booth that was the furthest from the stage.
The stage was decorated with extravagant pink paper hearts and so were the tables and booths.
He had a small fear someone would recognize him or say something. After all, he did appear in multiple magazines all the time. And almost everyone knew his fiancée which happened to be a well known model.
He felt his guilt intensify as he sat down. Jisoo was probably already waiting for him. And here he was, sitting at a booth waiting to see a man.
Jin never felt like he was gay or straight. He didn't define himself as either or. All he knew was that he always found women attractive and he never minded sex with them until he met a certain man at a night club once.
From then on he saw everything different and didn't feel attracted to just one sex. He never mentioned anything to no one because his family would never accept it.
He decided to push all those feelings away until he signed up for that website and until he texted Namjoon.
Namjoon revived feelings that he thought were dead and buried.

Rental [yoonmin]
Fanfiction"How about I give you 50 and you give me a kiss on the cheek?" where yoongi uses an online website to create the ideal boyfriend which happens to be park jimin.