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"What's wrong with poetry?" Namjoon asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"What isn't wrong with poetry?" Jin asked.

"Excuse me, assface. Poetry is the shit."

Jin chuckled, "Whatever."

"You need to read one of my favorite poetry books. It will change your whole prospective about it."

"I don't read so jokes on you." Jin replied as he took a sip of his Pepsi.

His phone rung and he looked at it. It was an e-mail from Jisoo. He quickly sighed taking another sip.

"Who is it?"

"My fiancée. Maybe you can help."

"Me?" Namjoon wondered.

Jin opened up the e-mail and clicked on the link that was provided. "She's going nuts because we don't have a cake picked out yet. Our wedding is in five months. Can you pick one?" He asked handing him the phone.

Namjoon looked at the phone and then at Jin. Was he seriously asking him to pick his wedding cake?

He thought Jin would've got the hint that he had feelings for him by now. They've been hanging out everyday for the last few months. How come he not see it?

"Are you serious?"

"Very serious. I don't want to pick no cake." Jin groaned.

"Well, I'm not good at picking cakes either."
He responded a bit offended.

"Pick a number,"

"Fucking five." Namjoon stated with a frown plastered on his face.

"Fine. The fifth cake it is." He mumbled as he typed something up.

"Why're you still getting married? You do realize in five months you're no longer going to be free, do you get that? What if she wants do have kids in the future? What will you do then? How are you going to have kids with someone you're not sexually attracted to?"

"You just don't get it!" Jin exclaimed.

"Don't get what? That you're too much of a wuss to end things with her?"

"I can't hurt her like that! I owe her this, okay? Do you know how much pressure it is to feel like you owe someone happiness? Like you owe them love? Like they depend on you to make them smile? How can I cut her off like that? She gave me happiness before so why can't I do that for her now? She helped me through so much so why can't I help her now? I can't possibly be happy when I'm
constantly feeling this way."

Namjoon leaned over the table to get closer to him, "I'm telling you this because I've grown fond of you. Do you know the definition of loneliness?"

Jin scoffed, "What does that have to do with this?"

"You're with her knowing you won't love her the way you pretend to. That's the true definition of loneliness."

Jin's face went blank, "I owe her." He whispered.

Namjoon grabbed his hand and got the urge to spill his every thought, "Leave her for me. Please, leave your lover for me. I don't have money and I'm certainly not the best looking, but I can be that one for you. Let me be your person."

Jin's heart sped and his face became hot. He couldn't tell if Namjoon was being serious or if it was just part of his job.

Regardless, Jin was very self doubtful and he was scared to open up. The possibility that Namjoon could like him was surreal.

No guy had every confessed their feelings to him and he didn't know how to act. So, Jin responded in the way he always did when he was nervous and put on the spot.

"Good one!" He said pulling his hand away and laughing. Namjoon felt like he got kicked on the stomach.

It took a second to catch his breath. He forced a smile, "Yeah," he said quietly.

"Enough talk about me. Did you ever ask that guy out?"

Namjoon felt his embarrassment show on his tan skin as it slowly turned dark red. "Yeah, I kind of did."

"Oh." Jin said not expecting his reply. A sudden tight sensation was present at his stomach.


"So what did he say?" He added a bit reluctant.

Namjoon shrugged, "Umm, well, not what I expected. I guess you were right and I should get off cloud nine."

"It was just a joke." Jin said quietly.

"Cruel joke." Namjoon corrected.

"We...we usually joke around. I—I didn't think you'd mind."

"Are you kidding me?" He asked in anger.

"What?" Jin responded.

Namjoon chuckled, "You're so oblivious it angers me so much. You're the guy. I wish you could read my mind for one fucking second so you can know much you're in it. I think about you all the damn time and I say your name more than my own! I just want to punch you in the face and then kiss you because this whole time I've been throwing hints at you that you clearly don't get!"

Jin remained silent not being able to speak. Namjoon took a sip of his drink and then looked him in the eyes.

"But, that doesn't matter now does it? Because you're still marrying her and I'm clearly not good enough."

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