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Jin took a deep breath as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently. He couldn't believe he was meeting Namjoon.

What would Jisoo say if she found out? What would his father say? His mother? What if some paparazzi was around and spotted him?

Jin's heart rate increased. He thought about Namjoon and him appearing in a front cover magazine. That would be the end of him.

He was about to turn on his car and leave when he spotted a tall guy walking towards the cafe entrance.

He quickly flashed the car light catching Namjoon's attention. Then he rolled the passengers window down, "Hey! Come here!"

Namjoon pointed to himself, "Me?" He mouthed. Jin pulled his window even more, "Yes you! Come here!"

Namjoon felt creeped out and quickly turned to open the door. Jin rolled his window down sticking his head out.

"Hey! It's me!"


"I'm — the person you are meeting."

Namjoon didn't know why but he slowly approached the car. Maybe it was because the guy looked trustworthy? Or maybe he was just oblivious.

Jin stuck his head back in his car as Namjoon bent over the passengers window. "Visual king?"

Jin nodded pulling out his phone to show him their messages. "Yeah. It's me."

Namjoon raised both eyebrows as he grabbed the door handle. "You can come in." Jin said giving him permission.

As soon as he got in he tried to hug Jin who pushed him away. "No. No hugs, no kisses, no nicknames."

"Yeah. It's you!" Namjoon laughed.

Jin noticed his dimples and how he squeezed his eyes when laughing. He felt a smile forming on his lips.

"So, do you want to go in and eat?"

"No." Jin said.

"Then why did we meet in a cafe?"

"Because I didn't know where else to meet!" Jin responded a bit aggravated.

"Are you upset? What's wrong babe—I mean hon? Is that better?"

"Zero nicknames please."

Namjoon hummed as he laid back on the seat. Jin observed his outfit which consisted of overalls, a pink shirt, a pink hat and round black glasses.

Pink was Jin's favorite color.

And Namjoon wearing it? Made it even better.

"Why're you dressed like that?" He asked bluntly.

Namjoon turned to look at him, "Why are you dressed like that?" He asked back.

Jin looked down at his grey suit and cleared his throat, "What do you mean why? I just got off work. Don't you know who I am?"

"Visual king?" He asked confused.

Jin's mouth dropped open, "You seriously have no idea who I am? I mean the car? The suit? The face? Doesn't it ring a bell?"

Namjoon squint his eyes, "Wait, I think I've seen your face before. Are you the guy that gives out pretzels samples at the mall?"

"You need to get new glasses! I've never given out pretzels at the mall!"

Namjoon pushed his glasses closer to his eyes as he tilted his head, "No nothing comes to mind. If you're not the pretzel guy I have no clue. By the way, I just got my new glasses prescription two weeks ago so I can see perfectly fine."

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