When Yoongi felt his phone vibrate he ignored it. He was currently laying in a dark room with his eyes closed.
He was exhausted.
His phone vibrated again so he picked up because no one ever contacted him. That was a fact.
As he pressed the button and his screen turned on he winced at how bright it was. He turned the brightness all the way down. He expected a notification from his e-mail but he saw Jimin's message on the screen.
His eyes widen and it almost hurt his temples too much.
come outside pleaseineedlove&cuddles93:
im outside your house please come
i don't want your alarm to go offYoongi was shocked at this. Even though he had a bad headache he got out of bed and slowly made himself across the house.
He opened his front door and pressed a button to open his gate.
Seconds later, he heard footsteps running towards him and the light suddenly hit Jimin's face.
Yoongi stood by his door confused until Jimin reached him and hugged him tightly. "Thank God, you're okay." He panted.
"Jimin, what's going on? It's eleven p.m." Yoongi said returning the hug. It's not like he minded his company it was just a strange time to show up.
"I was worried! You didn't text me today at all and you usually do. At least to say goodnight."
"Oh, sorry. I didn't think you cared."
"Of course I do!" Jimin exclaimed pulling away. His hair was everywhere and he was still panting from all the running.
"Did you run here?"
"No. I parked my car outside your gate."
"Why didn't you drive it in here? You could've parked it in my garage."
"I don't know. I didn't want to trigger your house alarm. I don't need the cops to show up."
Yoongi smiled, "Jimin, the alarm wasn't going to go off because I pressed the button for you."
"I don't know about house alarms." He said shrugging.
"Umm, do you want to come in?"
"Yes, please, I'm so cold."
Yoongi let Jimin in and he then closed his door behind. "Do you want a coat or a jacket?" He asked.
Jimin nodded. He was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt and black jeans. Yoongi started walking to the elevator and Jimin followed him behind.
"I have some in my room closet."
"That's fine." Jimin answered as they got off the elevator. Jimin recognized the hallway because he'd been here once before.
Ever since the house tour Yoongi has given him months ago, he hadn't been up here.
"Is your room code still 1311?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi turned to look at him, "You remembered?"
"Surprisingly, yes. It just stuck to me I guess."
"That's still the code." Yoongi said as he pressed the numbers on the pad. His door opened and they walked in.
Jimin gasped when the lights turned on. He had forgotten they were automatic. "Sorry, I forgot." He giggled.
"It's fine." Yoongi said as he walked to his closet. He pressed another code and it opened.

Rental [yoonmin]
Fanfiction"How about I give you 50 and you give me a kiss on the cheek?" where yoongi uses an online website to create the ideal boyfriend which happens to be park jimin.