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Yoongi sat on the bench as he looked at the empty park. He told himself he would stop coming to the places that reminded him of, Jimin.

He couldn't.

Not because he didn't want to, but, because everything reminded him of, Jimin. The warm smell of coffee in the mornings, the bright sunny days, the birds singing, the bees going around from flower to flower . . . just everything.

So, Yoongi was often here thinking of him. It was almost as if Jimin was engraved permanently on his brain.

Even if his mind was erased Yoongi would never forget his face.

When Yoongi heard a car park he turned to look. His heart dropped to his feet when he saw the colored vehicle.

Jimin stepped out of the car and landed eyes on Yoongi. His lips formed a smile. It was a natural reaction. How could you not smile at perfection?

Yoongi instantly smiled too. Because how could he not smile when his dreams were right in front of him?

"I imagined you would be here," he said quietly as he approached him.

The sun was setting and it was starting to get dark. There was some wind and the sound of the ruffling leaves was pleasing.

"I can't stay away from here. I decided to let you go but I can't do it at all once. It's too painful to handle." Yoongi said his eyes tearing up.

It was hard not to fall apart in front of him. He was never the type to let someone see right through him and never the type to show his emotions.

With Jimin it was different.

Every time he saw him, it was his whole damn existence right in front of his eyes and he couldn't have it. It was inevitable to not fall apart at that.

"I'm sorry." He apologized looking away.

"I never meant to make you cry," Jimin whispered.

"I know."

"A lot has happened since our last talk." Jimin added.

"Oh, yeah?" Yoongi responded blinking his tears away.

"Yeah," He whispered looking down at his lap. "I ... I..." Jimin had written the speech he wanted to tell, Yoongi.

He wrote and wrote until his hands got blisters. And then he cried, and cried, and cried until it was physically impossible to pour more tears.

The feelings, the overwhelming sensation of overthinking was so fucking much.

It hit him all at once. Regret, fear, pain, love, and doubts. He had to say so much but being put on the spot he couldn't even say his own name. He wished he could transfer his thoughts to Yoongi.

He wished Yoongi could feel what he felt in his chest right now. Because, maybe then it would be enough. And no words or tears would have to be exchanged.

That wasn't the case though. Jimin knew it.

"You what?"

Jimin didn't say a word just looked at Yoongi's pupils. He drifted to a set of euphoria and peace.

How was he so oblivious to not ever notice how beautiful Yoongi's eyes were?

He stared deep in them and his heart started beating in a different way that had never occurred. He felt so much. Too much. Yoongi was always the one he felt too much for and now he clearly understood why.

Yoongi looked down a little shy at the sudden stare. Jimin pulled him in for a hug and closed his eyes as he crashed his face against Yoongi's chest.

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