Chapter 2

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Dipper awoke to the smell of something really good. He sat up, rubbing his eyes to try and get the sleep out of them. It was only then that he realized he was on the couch. He looked around, trying to remember what he had been doing beforehand.

"Oh good, you're awake. Dinner is ready." Bill said, startling Dipper. "Dinner? What did you make?" The teen asked as he got up. "I figured you wouldn't like some of the more experimental dishes I've had, so I just made up some chicken and vegetables."

Dipper walked into the kitchen behind Bill, and sure enough, sitting on the table was roasted chicken and vegetables. "If it tastes half as good as it smells, then I don't mind you cooking for me," Dipper said, going over to his spot and sitting down.

The food was just as amazing as Dipper had expected it to be. Maybe even better. Dipper was quiet as he ate. Bill smiled at the teen, glad that Dipper was both eating a proper meal and that he liked it.

Once both were done, Bill took the plates to the sink. "Dipper, I know you're probably tired, but you should get your homework done. I can check it afterwards, so just get as much done as you can." Dipper sighed. "You're actually going to take care of me, aren't you?" He said as he got up.

"Might as well," Bill said as he began to clean the dishes. Dipper grabbed his bag from the floor where he had placed it before returning to the kitchen table. He had been able to get most of his work done during the break, so all he really had to do was his math.

Dipper was glad that his classes were rather easy for him, as it meant he spent less time with school work and studying. In next to no time at all, he was done and began to pack up his stuff. Bill noticed this, going over to look at Dipper's worksheet. "Nice work, Dipper. You finished rather quickly too."

Dipper shrugged, taking the paper back and placing it in his binder before sticking it in his bag. With that done, Dipper let out a yawn and stretched. Even though he had taken a nap, he was still rather tired. Figuring he'd listen to Bill, he got up and made his way to his room.

Only, as he walked into his room, he had to stop. His room had been changed slightly to better fit two people. Dipper knew it was Bill's doing but was too tired to talk to the demon about it. Instead, he just changed into his pyjamas and got into bed.


Dipper felt much more refreshed when he woke up the next morning. He rolled over, seeing that Bill was just finishing getting dressed. The demon had a white button up on but hadn't gotten around to doing it up. Instead, his attention was on his phone.

Dipper had to bite his lip as he sat up. Damn his teen hormones. He kept his head down as he slowly got up. He knew his face was slightly flushed and didn't want to have to try to explain himself to the demon.

"Dipper! I didn't know you were awake." Bill said, looked up at the sound of Dipper pulling a drawer open. "How did you sleep? I made your bed a bit softer, so I hope that helped." Dipper looked at the demon with a smile. "It did. Thanks. I slept amazingly."

Bill smiled at the teen before turning around to give him some privacy. Dipper was glad he did this, as he wasn't sure if he could control himself much longer around the surprisingly good-looking demon. Both males finished getting changed before heading downstairs.

"So, school is really five days a week?" Bill asked as he began to cook breakfast. "Yeah, though sometimes we get Monday and or Friday off for holidays," Dipper said, sitting at the table. "That sucks. It's so long, and then multiply that by five..." Dipper chuckled. "Just be glad you're joining it near the end of the year in your last year. I've been having to do this for twelve years now."

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