Chapter 14

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Dipper sighed as he lied in bed. He couldn't sleep. Not with everything that was going in through his mind. He had expected Bill to act out. And he had. But it wasn't as bad as Dipper had expected.

Bill had yelled, shouted about how he knew their teacher was up to something. Dipper was glad that, throughout all the shouting, Bill didn't once put any blame on him. He knew he hadn't done anything but wasn't so sure if his boyfriend did.

Of course, after all the shouting, Bill had grown distant, worrying Dipper. He didn't say anything over dinner and didn't argue with the teen when he tried to study after dinner. In fact, he hadn't said anything all night.

Dipper looked over at the demon sleeping beside him. At least Bill still slept with him. He didn't know why, but he liked having someone else in the same bed as him. It gave him a comforting feeling that he hadn't felt in a long time.

With a sigh, Dipper got up to leave the room. He knew he shouldn't, but figured a short walk would help him out. Or at least tire him out enough to get some much-needed sleep. He held his shoes in his hands as he made his way down the stairs, not wanting to wake Bill.

He sat down on the couch to put his shoes on, listening to hear anything. The night was dead silent, getting a frown from the teen. He was used to there being some sound, but even the normal stuff seemed to be missing. He was just finishing lacing up his shoe when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He looked up just as Bill reached the landing.

"Sapling? What are you doing up? And why do you have your shoes on?" Bill walked over, letting Dipper see the concern on the demon's face. "I... Sorry, Bill. I didn't mean to worry you." Bill sat next to the teen, taking his hand. "Dipper, please don't do anything too rash..."

Dipper moved closer to the demon, wanting to calm him. "I promise. I just couldn't sleep..." He spoke softly, knowing that Bill was just looking out for him. Bill nodded, wrapping his arms around the brunet. Smiling, Dipper relaxed against Bill.

Before Dipper could fully relax, Bill pulled back, though kept his arms around the teen. "Let's head back to bed. As often as you do, we really shouldn't sleep on the couch." Though he wasn't tired, he still agreed to head back up with the demon. Bill seemed to relax a little as he got up to head back to bed.

Bill held Dipper close to him once they were both in bed. Though the teen enjoyed this, he knew something was on the demon's mind. "Bill, what's wrong? I know you like to hold me and all, but..." Bill looked away, causing the teen to become more worried. "Well, I... I know you said you don't, but... Well, I was thinking that... That maybe you'd change your mind or something. I mean, you're both humans after all..."

Dipper sat up, staring at the demon in front of him. "Bill, it doesn't matter that he's human. I really don't like him that way. And honestly, after what he's done, I'm not even sure I like him as a teacher anymore... Dude is a creep." Dipper smiled, hoping to cheer up the demon. Though Bill smiled slightly, Dipper knew he was still upset. "Bill, if another demon came along, would you leave me for them?"

Bill seemed confused for a moment before bolting upright. "Of course not, Sapling. I may be a demon, but I'm not heartless." Dipper smiled at him. "And neither am I. So stopping worrying yourself." Upon realizing what Dipper was getting at, Bill relaxed, grabbing hold of the teen before lying back. Dipper chuckled, letting himself relax against the demon to finally get some sleep. Looking over, Bill kissed the brunet's head before he too fell asleep.


"Come on, Sapling. A break never hurts anyone. You've been studying for these exams all week..." Bill groaned, flopping down onto the table where he and Dipper sat. Dipper sighed, looking at the demon. "These are my finals, Bill. If I can do well enough in all my classes, I... I might actually have a future..."

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