Chapter 24

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     Dipper and Bill sat in their room. Neither really knew what to do now that Ford knew the truth of who Bill was. They had told Ford everything, though both knew he didn't believe them. And still didn't trust Bill.
     Dipper lied down, resting his head on Bill's lap. Bill could tell that Dipper was troubled, though he didn't know what to say. So instead, he lightly ran his fingers through the brunet curls. He knew the teen liked it, as well as helped him calm down.
     Dipper smiled while Bill played with his hair, though knew the demon was just as nervous as he was. Sure, they knew Bill couldn't be sent away, but how were they to explain that to Ford without him getting angry. Dipper knew it would be hard if not impossible to get Ford to change his mind, though, he could hope.
     Feeling bored, Bill grabbed a book off the side table. He knew Dipper had been reading it, though he couldn't understand why the teen liked it so much. Figuring he'd give it a try, he opened to where the bookmark had been placed. See that it was the start of a new chapter, Bill smiled and began to read aloud.
     Hearing the demon reading his story aloud to him, Dipper turned so that he was facing his boyfriend. Bill continued to read, knowing that the brunet was listening. As he did, he could feel Dipper's weight shift every once and a while before the teen was still.
     Glancing down, Bill sighed as he saw that Dipper had fallen asleep. Closing the book, he placed it back on the side table before resting back against the couch. Without anything to do, his mind drifted off to what Ford was doing at the moment. He knew the elder twin would be look over everything, wondering how he had missed that he was Bill.
     Bill didn't want to think about it, though he knew he had to figure out what would happen if Ford did figure out how to force him away from Dipper. He didn't remember ever telling Ford of the binding spell, yet he knew first-hand that the man knew more things than when they had first met.
     There was also the fact to consider that the binding spell hadn't worked. He had never known it to be used on a human, much less a human and a half-demon. If it hadn't worked, then Bill knew it was only too easy for the Pines family to get rid of him. And he didn't want that. Not just because it would hurt him but because he knew it would also hurt his Pine Tree.
     There was a knock on the door before Ford walked in. He looked around the room, noticing right away that there was no way a room like this should fit inside the shack. Looking over at the teens, he raised a brow at the sleeping Dipper, though upon seeing Bill motioning him to stay quiet, he knew that Dipper likely hadn't slept well the night before.
     Ford grabbed the desk chair so that he could sit in front of the demon. Bill knew Ford had more questions for him, though he hoped that it wouldn't be too much for him to handle.
     "I have some more questions for you. You said that you called a higher being for help. Who were they? And how were they able to pull you out of Stan's mind? I've done my research, Cipher, and nothing you've told me adds up."
     Bill rolled his eyes at the man in front of him. "Like I'd tell you who I called. I told Sapling only because I knew he would be smart with the information. And I know you've read about him. He just doesn't like to show off like most demons do. Though, he wouldn't like to hear me calling him a demon, as he's more than that."
     Ford was confused by Bill's roundabout explanation. He also didn't like the smug look on the demon's face as he denied him the information he was after. He was thinking of a way to get it from the demon when his eyes fell on Dipper.
     "What did you mean just now, about telling Dipper the information?"
     "Just what I said. I told Dipper everything about my coming back. And I told him because I knew, unlike you, he wouldn't go off trying to contact the being that helped me... Though, there were some things that I didn't expect..."
     Before either could say more, Dipper began moving, catching Bill's attention. He turned his attention to the teen, seeing him starting to wake up.
     "Hey, Sapling. Did we wake you?"
     "No... I wasn't fully asleep to begin with..." Dipper stated as he sat up, turning to look at his great uncle.
     Bill lightly ran his fingers through the teen's hair while said teen tried to find the right words to explain things.
     "Grunkle Ford, I know you'll likely never trust Bill, but I do... Bill has worked hard to earn my trust. Believe me, I haven't forgotten what he did to us..."
     "And yet you trust him now. So much so that you've formed a romantic relationship with him."
     "Well, it didn't happen right away... Honestly, it took a while for us to become friends..."
     "Don't blame, Dipper. He was just lonely. Though, even I wasn't expecting this... For Dipper and I to have any kind of relationship..."
     Dipper couldn't help but blush as Bill lean over to kiss his cheek. Ford just glared at the demon. He didn't like how close they were. Though, knew that he couldn't fully blame the teen. He likely had been lonely, and Ford believed that Bill had taken advantage of this.
     "Dipper, I know you want to trust Bill, but think about it. This is Bill Cipher. I spent the better part of my life trying to stop him."
     "Don't you think you're being a little bias about all of this? I mean, you didn't even know who Bill really was until today. Honestly, he's not the demon you need to worry about right now."
     This statement confused Ford long enough for Bill and Dipper to exchange a look between each other. The two knew what Dipper was speaking of, though wondered how long it would take Ford to piece it all together.
     "Not the demon... Dipper, what are you talking about? Are you saying that...?"
     "There's another demon in town, Grunkle Ford. That is the demon that you've noticed in town. Him, not Bill."
     Ford was dumbfounded about this bit of information. How could the demon reading he was picking up not be Bill? He couldn't believe that another demon was in town. He had made sure that any and all access points in and out of Gravity Falls were closed up.
     "You don't believe us, do you? You really are being biased about all of this. Think about it. You've picked it up in town, but never inside the shack. If it were me, don't you think you would've figured that out long before now?"
     Dipper had to agree with Bill. Even without knowing that it was Kryptos who was the demon, Bill's logic made sense. Ford had even shown the younger twin the dot that belonged to the demon.
     As the two teens watched the older man, they could see the bit of realization cross his face.
     "So, you're saying that there is another demon in this town. And that, since I've been back, I have not once picked Cipher up on my demon radar."
     "Basically, yeah. Though, you should know that I know who this demon is. He's not stronger than me, though his powers are... Different..."
     Ford didn't stay long enough to let Bill explain further. Bill was fine, he figured he should share this information with the whole Pines family rather than just Ford and Dipper.
     Said teen was now resting his head against the demon's shoulder. He didn't know how to react to the fact that Ford now knew of Bill's true nature. He was just glad to know that Ford only disliked their relationship because of his past with Bill, and not because he was with a guy.
     Thinking about it, his parents were still the only ones who had anything negative to say about their relationship. Sure, they had stopped saying their rude comments to his face, though knowing that they were saying it behind his back didn't make him feel any better.
     As though sensing that his boyfriend's thoughts were troubled, Bill wrapped his arms around the brunet, pulling him close before kissing his head. Dipper relaxed slightly at this, glad that Bill was always there to help when he began to overthink things.
     When Ford finally returned, both Dipper and Bill could tell that he was even more annoyed that before he left. Dipper gripped his boyfriend's hand, unsure of the actions his great uncle was about to take.
     "Let me get this straight. Dipper, you willing got involved in a relationship with Bill, knowing fully well who he was, while at the same time, knew there was a demon in this town. And not once thought to tell me any of this."
     "I didn't tell you because I knew how you'd react. And before you say anything, no, our relationship was not instant. Though, I will admit, our friendship did seem to take off rather quickly."
     Dipper turned to the demon beside him. Bill just gave the teen a smile, knowing what was on his mind.
     "What can I say, I'm irresistible."
     "Sure, keep telling yourself that." Dipper jabbed, a slight smirk on his face. "And besides, I thought I was the irresistible one."
     "No, you're just a paranormal magnet," Bill stated matter of factly before kissing the teen's temple.
     While this exchange was going on, Ford watched in confusion. He had heard the two speaking with each other before, though never like this. And he didn't know how to take it. He could see just how relaxed the two were with each other. So much so that they could make jabs at each other while still being loving.
     That last bit was what confused him the most. Ford still saw the demon as he was back when they first met. Heartless and only caring about himself. To see him as the complete opposite being rubbed him the wrong way. Yet he couldn't figure out what all Bill could gain from doing this.
     "So, Sixer, what's the plan?" The demon said once he and Dipper were done with their own conversation.
     Ford had to shake himself back to reality. Even so, he was confused as to what Bill was speaking of. Noticing this, Bill let out an annoyed sigh.
     "About the other demon in town. I've already laid claim, and I don't like that he's ignoring basic demon rights."
     "Basic demon right...? Cipher, none of what you're saying makes any sense. I don't even..."
     Before Ford could finish his sentence, a knock was heard at the door. Mabel popped her head into the room, a smile on her face.
     "DipDot, your friend is here to see you. Oh, and could you ask if he's single?"
     Dipper looked at Mabel confused. He didn't have any male friends and knew that no one from school would ever come near the shack.
     "My friend? Mabel, I don't think... Wait, it's not..."
     Dipper quickly got up, rushing past his twin. He was hoping it wasn't who he thought it was at the door. Bill was soon behind him, having come to the same train of thought as his boyfriend.
     Upon reaching the door, both teens could see the platinum blond hair of the man neither wanted to see.
     "What are you doing here?" Bill snapped.
     "Hello to you too, Mr. Cipher. And Dipper, hello. I don't mean to sound rude, but you've looked better. Are you...?" Alexander's voice dropped as he looked the two over. "What have you two done?"
     Bill gave the other demon a smirk. This simple act was enough to cause Alexander to rage, though he said nothing. It was clear to Dipper that he was still trying to maintain his gentlemanly attitude.
     "What Bill and I do in private is no concern of yours. Now, why are you here?"
     Dipper wasn't having any of it from Alexander. He didn't want anything to do with the demon and knew that the faster they spoke, the faster they'd be able to send him away. Quickly followed by getting Ford to put up the barrier.
     "You hurt me, Dipper. Can't I simply come over to spend time with you?"
     "No. Now, say what you want to say or leave. None of us want you here."
     Alexander gave the teen a pleading expression. Upon seeing that it wouldn't work, however, he became stone-faced. It was clear to both Dipper and Bill that he didn't like not getting what he wanted.
     "Though I don't understand why you're being so rude when all I've done is try to be friendly to you, I'll leave for now. Oh, but do try to stop by the cafe when you get a chance. I find I spend most of my days there as of late."
     With one last smile from Alexander to the teen, he turned, heading back out the door he had entered through. Once he was gone, Dipper locked the door. He was shaking, and though he didn't know what the full reason behind it was, he knew it had to do with Alexander.
     Bill pulled his boyfriend into a hug, holding him tightly. He could feel him shaking and wanted to do everything in his power to help him relax. And knowing that, right now, the teen just needed some comfort.
     Dipper was only just starting to calm down when Ford and Mabel came over. They all seemed rather confused, not one being able to say anything towards the two lovers.
     Bill looked over at them. His face was blank, as though he couldn't express any type of emotion.
     "Sixer, I'm going to ask you again, could you please put up that barrier? I'd really rather not deal with him again."
     Ford didn't know what to say. Instead, he just left, doing as he was asked. Mabel watched her great uncle leave before turning back to her twin. She could tell he was troubled, though she didn't know what could have happened to upset him so much.
     Instead of saying anything, she just motioned for Bill to follow her as she went to the living room. Once she was sure that the two had followed her, she went over to the TV, putting in a movie for the three of them to watch. She knew that Dipper needed a distraction, and the smile she got from Bill about her actions just reinforced this choice.
     Though Dipper had stayed quiet through the whole thing, he wasn't as out of it as his boyfriend and sister believed him to be. He had heard Bill's request, smiling slightly upon hearing the demon being polite and using the word please.
     As Bill sat him down on the couch, he cuddled up with the demon, resting his head on his shoulder. He watched his twin as she put in a movie. He was glad that both she and Bill were willing to help him, even if they didn't know what was upsetting him to the full extent.
     Not wanting to think too much about it anymore, Dipper allowed himself to just relax and enjoy the time he was spending with Bill and Mabel. And though he didn't care much for the movie that was playing, he figured he'd watch it anyway. Anything to distract himself. And besides, maybe some mindless entertainment was what he needed at the moment.

A/N: OMG!! I've had this chapter finished for a while now, I've just been having a hard time with Google Docs and The Sims 4. But yeah, here's the new chapter. I have mixed feelings about this one. I feel like I didn't add anything new, just retreading the same things we've learned throughout this story. The next chapter will be more interesting, though I need to figure out what all I will and won't add. 'Til next time! :) <3

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