Chapter 13

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For the first time, Dipper was not looking forward to his history class. He had been nervous about it since his run-in with his teacher last Friday after school. He still hadn't told Bill about it, not wanting to know what the demon might do. Demon or not, Bill was not someone to get angry.

But even without saying anything, the demon could tell something was bothering the teen as they made their way to class. Bill wanted to hold the teen but knew that would just cause more trouble for him. And with how nervous the teen got with the smallest of things, the demon figured it would just be best to speak with him after school.

As the two took their seats, Bill grabbed hold of Dipper's hand under the table. Dipper glanced over at him quickly but didn't say anything. He'd need all the strength he could get from his boyfriend. He knew he'd need it to get through the class.

"Hello everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend." Alexander gave the class a smile as he walked in, a large pile of papers in his arms. "I hope you all reviewed the chapters. We'll still have fifteen minutes for review before we write our test." Dipper looked over, seeing that Bill had already pulled his notes out.

The two stayed close to each other as Bill quizzed Dipper. Even though Dipper was trying to concentrate, Bill would still joke around with him. The brunet was annoyed at the demon but did enjoy his joking about. It helped him relax even though he could feel Alexander watching him.

Too soon, time was up and the brunet was putting his books and notes away. Dipper sighed as he waited for the test to begin. Bill looked over, giving the teen a smile upon seeing how nervous he was. Dipper smiled back, but he was still extremely nervous. And it wasn't just about the test.

"Alright. You'll have until the end of class. You may begin." Dipper flipped over the test, trying to ignore everything in the room as he focused on the paper in front of him. He was glad upon reading the questions, as he knew everything on the test.

Within ten minutes, both Dipper and Bill were done. They handed over their tests before pulling out a scrap piece of paper and began to quietly play some games. They started with tic-tac-toe before switching over to play hangman.

When the bell finally rang, Dipper couldn't be happier. He quickly packed his things, catching Bill's attention. "Dipper, seriously, what's up? You never rush out of history class..." Dipper turned to look at Bill. "I just..." He started but didn't know how to put things into words without their teacher overhearing him.

Before he could finish, however, someone else spoke up. "Dipper, could you stay back for a moment." Dipper looked over to Bill. "Bill and I..." The brunet started, only to get cut off. "It'll only take a moment. I'm sure Mr Cipher won't mind." Bill nodded, though he did give their teacher an annoyed look before leaving.

Alexander waited for the door to be closed before speaking to the teen. "As I said when I came in, I hope you had an enjoyable weekend." He walked out from behind his desk before sitting on it. "Were you able to do everything?" Dipper nodded, still standing with his bag on his shoulder.

"That's good. There's nothing worse than not being able to do everything you wanted to." He chuckled, smiling to the teen. "Anyway, I was wanting to ask you to join me this weekend. An author I think you'd like is holding a book signing followed by a Question and Answer panel." Dipper shifted slightly. He knew which author he was speaking of. He had recently heard about the signing, though didn't know there would be a following question and answer segment.

"So, would you like to join me?" He asked, smiling softly to the teen. "I, um... Well, Bill and I were actually talking about going together..." Truthfully, they hadn't. Bill actually hadn't been interested at all with the author, but Dipper had a feeling he knew what the man was really after.

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