Chapter 26

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Dipper sat nervously as he waited for the rest of his family to come down. It had been a few days, and he had finally decided that he was going to tell them about the apartment. He knew his parents wouldn't like it, and possibly Ford wouldn't either, but he had slowly learned to stop caring. Or, at least he liked to tell himself he had, though he knew that he was still hurt by what his parents had to say at times.

Still, he was ready to tell them, and with Bill busy cooking breakfast, he didn't have much else to think about except how his family would react upon hearing that he and Bill would be moving in together at the end of the summer.

"You need to stop worrying so much, Sapling. You know I'll always be here for you. As will Mabel and Fez."

"I know, Bill. Doesn't mean I can't worry. And besides, they could react just as badly. Just because they're okay with us being together doesn't mean they'll be okay with us moving out together..."

Bill looked over at his boyfriend before turning his attention back to their food. Dipper knew he was trying to help, and he had likely just shut him down. Bill, however, put the last of the food on plates before joining Dipper at the table. He gave the brunet a kiss, getting a smile out of him.

"Everything will be alright. It's already ours. They can't take it away from us without a fight. And you know me. I'm not one to just give something up when I have it."

Dipper had to laugh at that. He knew Bill was mainly speaking of when he tried to take over the world. Though he wondered if that comment was also about him. Bill had made it known that he wouldn't give Dipper up for anything. Something that Ford was quick to catch, though he didn't say anything about it. Dipper figured he was just glad that Bill wasn't wanting to take over the world anymore.

"He's back..." Bill said, interrupting Dipper's thoughts.

Dipper looked out the window, seeing the unmistakable outline of the other demon that he was glad couldn't get much closer to the shack than he already was. Looking back over to Bill, Dipper saw that he was looking more annoyed that he had been earlier.

"Bill, relax. It's not like he can do anything. And the rest know he's dangerous, so they're not going to risk it with him out there. Still, I wish he'd get the hint. I don't even know what he wants anymore..."

"He wants you," Bill stated, as though it should've been clear. "Demons always want what they can't have. And given the type of demon he is, he must find the fact he can't have you even more annoying. Which is just fine to me."

"You know, I can't argue with you on that. Though, I don't want to anger him too much. We don't know what he'll do."

"Who are you two talking about now?" Stan asked as he and Ford came into the kitchen, each taking a plate of food before sitting with Dipper and Bill.

"Alexander. He's outside again. I don't see why we don't just blast him. Maybe then he'll understand that he's not wanted."

"Sapling, we both know that nothing Sixer has is powerful enough to blast him to pieces. Though, that's probably a good thing. I personally don't want him to blast me as well."

Dipper had to laugh at that. As much as Ford had given them a slight break, he was still giving them a hard time. Mostly because he still didn't like the fact that Dipper seemed to have given the demon his complete trust. Still, he let them be, and Bill did his best to stay on Ford's good side.

"We don't need to blast him to pieces, just enough for him to get the hint. I want nothing to do with him. And the sooner he leaves, the sooner we can leave."

"Leave? Are you two planning on going somewhere?"

Dipper nodded to his great uncles. He looked over at Bill with a smile before turning back to look at them. Though he was hoping to wait until his parents and sister came down, he figured he could tell them now.

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