Chapter 6

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Dipper looked down as Matt got up, walking over to their table. He gave a quick look at Bill before giving his full attention to Dipper. "I didn't know they let Freaks into here. How'd you get in? I know you couldn't have bribed them."

Dipper tried to hide himself as people began to look at them. "Matthew, we're trying to have a quiet dinner. If you could please leave us be..." Bill stated, speaking in a rather formal tone. This caught everyone's attention, getting a small smile from Dipper.

Matt turned to look at Bill, then back to Dipper. "Oh, sorry," He said in mock apologie. "I didn't realize you two were here on a date." The rest of Matt's table began to laugh, while Dipper tried to make himself tiny. Bill looked at Dipper quickly then back to Matt. "Could you excuse me."

Bill got up, causing Dipper to shake. Bill was the only thing stopping Matt from doing worse, and he was leaving. Matt smirked as he watched Bill leave before turning back to Dipper. "Looks like your boyfriend isn't as tough as he wants us to think."

Dipper frowned but looked up for the first time. "You know damn well we're not dating, Matt. Why can't you just leave us alone?" By now, everyone was watching them, causing the little bit of courage Dipper had felt to leave him.

Before Matt could speak, however, Bill returned with a man right behind him. "Is this the person bothering you?" He asked, getting a nod from Bill. "Yes, this is him." Bill said, giving Dipper a quick glance to see if the teen was alright.

"I'm sorry, but you and your friends will have to leave." The owner said, getting a look of shock from Matt. "What? Dad, come on, you said we could have the table for the whole day." Dipper's eyes widen upon hearing that the owner was Matt's father.

"No, buts. I said as long as you didn't bother my guests, you and your friends could stay." Matt just glared at his father before walking over to his table. He grabbed his things and the table left. The owner turned back to Bill and Dipper. "I'm sorry for how my son was acting."

Bill gave the owner a kind smile. "It's quite alright. Thank you for taking care of it." Bill shook the owner's hand before sitting back down with Dipper, who was still trying to hide himself from everyone in the room. Bill reached over, taking Dipper's hand. "Are you okay?"

Dipper looked up, looking around the room before nodding. "Y-Yeah... I'm... I'm fine..." Bill frowned at the brunet in front of him but didn't push the subject. "Well... I don't know about you, but I sure am hungry. Did you decided what you want?" Dipper nodded again, and Bill waved for the waiter to come over.


When Dipper and Bill finally got back home, they were both in better moods, though were also tired. Dipper flopped down on to the couch, lying down and closing his eyes. Bill chuckled at this. "Pine Tree. If you're so tired, maybe you should go to bed." Dipper groaned, sitting back up. "We still have homework to do, Bill..."

The demon sighed, sitting beside the teen. "Dipper, sleep. We'll have more than enough time in the morning to get the work done." Dipper sighed but knew Bill had a point. There was no way he'd be able to get the work done with how tired he currently was. "Yeah, yeah... Fine..."

Dipper started towards the stairs, only to stop and turn back to Bill. "What about my magic... Shouldn't we be worried about it?" Bill shook his head. "No, but now that we know, I'll start training you this weekend. As long as you can control it, you'll be safe."

Dipper nodded, turning and finally heading for bed. He slowly got changed before lying back on his bed. Only, sleep didn't come. He just lied there, tossing and turning. He felt tired, but he just couldn't sleep.

He was still awake when Bill came up an hour later. "Bill...? What were you doing downstairs?" Dipper asked, startling the demon. "Sorry, Sapling. Didn't mean to wake you. And to answer your question, I was cleaning up in the kitchen. I just finished."

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