Chapter 9

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Dipper sighed as he rested against his locker. Bill had been running late that morning, and Dipper had had to go off to school by himself. He didn't mind leaving by himself, but he was starting to wonder where the blond demon was.

Dipper was checking his phone again when he saw a man walking down the hall. He hadn't seen this teacher before, but judging from the looks of him, he was likely a substitute. It was also clear that the guy was lost.

Figuring he'd might as well help, he walked over to him. "Hi there. Do you need any help?" The men looked at Dipper, causing the teen to bite his lip. This guy was just too good looking to be true. He had wavy shoulder-length platinum blond hair with lilac eyes, slightly tanned skin, and dressed fairly well, wearing a light blue button-up and grey jeans.

"Ah, yes, thank you. I'm looking for room one-forty-five. I'm substituting for Mrs. Keller." Dipper gave him a smile. "Yeah, it's just over here. My class is just next to it. I'm Dipper." He smiled, shaking the teen's hand. "Nice to meet you, Dipper. I'm Alexander."

The two walked down the hall, neither saying anything. Dipper was always nervous around people he didn't really know. He had gotten better at it, but it was still there. Yet walking silently didn't feel right to the teen. "You look pretty young, even for a substitute," Dipper said, getting a chuckle from Alexander. "I'll take that as a compliment. But I am younger than most. But not by much."

Dipper nodded, impressed that this guy had been able to become a teacher at such a young age. It made him wonder if he'd be the same. Though, he still didn't know what he wanted to go to college for. "What about yourself, Dipper?" The teen looked up. "Me? Oh, I'm not..."

Before Dipper could continue, Bill came running over. "I made it, right? I'm not late." Dipper laughed. "You're good. I'll join you in class." Bill only noticed then that Dipper was standing with another guy. "Ah... Sure..." Bill said, not taking his eyes off Alexander before heading into the class.

Dipper turned back to Alexander, who was smiling at the teen. "A friend?" Dipper nodded, not yet ready to correct people. "Yeah. He's a close friend. Um, anyway... This is your room..." Dipper said, pointing to the room they were stand in front of. "Oh, thank you. And I won't keep you from your lesson."

With that, Alexander gave a smile and wave as he walked into his classroom. Dipper stood there confused for a moment. It wasn't until the warning bell rang did he realize he needed to get to class. He quickly walked in, sitting next to an annoyed looking Bill.

Dipper frowned, leaning over to the demon. "What's wrong, Bill?" Bill looked over, then back to the front of the class. "Afterwards," He hushed as their teacher walked in. Dipper sat back but was still frowning. Bill never had a problem talking over a teacher before. So why now?

Dipper couldn't have been more happy for the class to be over. He packed up his things alongside Bill but noticed that the demon was doing so absentmindedly. "Bill, please talk to me. What's wrong?" Dipper swung his bag over his shoulder, watching the demon.

Bill sighed as he finished packing before looking at the brunet. "That guy you were with..." Dipper raised a brow. "Alexander? He's the sub for Mrs. Keller. I was helping him find his class." Bill nodded, though still didn't seem happy. "He looks too young to be a teacher." This made the teen laugh. "Yeah, I said the same thing... There is something... Different about him though..."

Bill raised a brow at the teen. "Is there? I wasn't around him long enough to tell." Dipper took Bill's hand in his. "He's our teacher, Bill..." He had a feeling the demon was jealous and didn't know how to express this new feeling. "I'm yours and yours alone." The brunet said softly, not wanting others to hear him.

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