Chapter 16

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Bill and Dipper were enjoying their lazy afternoon. Having both survived Ford's round of questioning, they had decided to study for a good portion of the morning. Dipper only stopped when Bill said that they should have some lunch.

As the two rested in the sun, Ford and Stan were watching them from the window. Though noticeably Ford more than Stan. They had been mostly satisfied with their answer but had both decided to quietly watch the two. Stan just wanted to make sure Dipper was actually happy with this boy, while Ford still wasn't sure if he should trust him.

"Dipper's seems different with him. Almost like he's more relaxed." Stan stated, smiling at how peaceful the couple looked. Ford looked over and even he had to smile at the two. "He does. I guess that comes from having someone there to care for you." Stan looked at his twin, chuckling. "Yeah. Love can do that."

The two looked out the window once again, noticing then that Bill was speaking to Dipper about something. Though the teen's position said he was ready to fall asleep, his eyes were fixated on the blond. They two hadn't seen that look on their great-nephew's face in years.

"Let's leave them be. I doubt that boy will do anything to hurt Dipper." Stan said, placing a hand on Ford's shoulder to stir him away from the window. The twin glared at his brother but allowed this. He did have some work he was wanting to get done and there was no time like the present.

Outside, Dipper was listening closely to what the demon had to say. Though Bill often spoke of the past, he rarely told stories about it. But the teen loved when he did. Mostly, Bill spoke about his favourite ancient civilization. Today, it was the Aztecs.

"I have to admit, those days were some of the best." Dipper rolled his eyes at the demon. "Only because of all the bloodshed." Bill frowned. "Sapling, you should know better than anyone that there was more to the culture than just that."

Dipper was surprised by this, though still knew Bill was right. His comment was about the old Bill Cipher, not this new one sitting with him now. And Bill had stated a number of times how he enjoyed the lifestyle of those old civilizations.

"You're right, Bill. Sorry..." Bill pulled the teen closer to him, hugging him tightly to his chest. The brunet struggled to get out of the demon's hold, but Bill was clearly the stronger of the two. "Bill. Let me go you ass!"

Frowning, the demon let go. Dipper moved slightly, but otherwise stayed where he was. "Geez, you're too strong some times..." He rested his head back in the demon's shoulder before looking up at the demon. Bill looked down at the teen, a soft smile resting on his lips before he kissed the teen's forehead.

The two lied there quietly, just resting against each other. Though Dipper loved hearing stories from Bill, he enjoyed the quiet moments just the same. And besides, he wasn't sure how long the peace and quiet would last. Not when Mabel was likely to be coming down in a couple of weeks.

Bill was just thinking that it would probably be best to head back inside when a cold feeling ran down his spine. He sat up, looking around but saw nothing. He was about to forget it when he noticed that Dipper was also looking around.

"You felt that too?" Dipper nodded, though kept his eyes on the forest, scanning the area. Bill rubbed small circles into the teen's back, hoping to relax him. Feeling this, he looked at the demon, a small frown on his face.

"I don't like being watched, Bill..." This time it was the demon's turn to frown. He looked off to where Dipper had been watching, but even with his enhanced eyesight, he couldn't see anything. He turned to look back at Dipper, only to see the teen's eyes were now wide as he stared up at the shack.

Turning, Bill saw both Stan and Ford standing on the porch, their eyes fixed on the couple. Slowly the two got up, worried that something had happened. "Grunkle Ford...? Is something wrong?" Dipper asked, hoping that it was nothing.

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