Chapter 3

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Dipper answered the phone as fast as he could, a huge smile on his face. "Mabel! How are you? I've missed you so much." Dipper said, a little too fast. "Hey Dip-Dot. I've been good. And I've missed you too. The house just isn't the same without you here."

Dipper gave a sad smile. "Yeah, I know. It's the same here..." Things were quiet for a bit before Mabel spoke again. "Oh yeah, I was calling you for a reason, actually." Dipper bit his lip. Mabel calling for a reason was never good. "Um... Mom and dad... They want to get rid of your things... I'm trying to get them to just send you the stuff, but I don't know if they will or not... Is there anything in your room you wanted saved? I can try to sneak some stuff out and mail it to you."

Dipper frowned. He had been figuring his parents would be doing this at some point, though was still surprised that they were doing it. "I don't really think so... I mean, you can check it you want, though." He said, knowing that he mostly kept his favourite things there at the shack. Though had brought the few things he favoured along with him when he left.

"I'll check. If there's a journal or pictures or something of the sort, I'll make sure you get it." Mabel said, clearing trying to cheer her twin up. "Thanks, Mabel..." He said, though his mood was still down. "Dipper, are you okay? I may not be able to see you, but I can tell you're upset." Her tone was soft, and Dipper really wished she was there with him rather than just over the phone.

Dipper bit his lip. He wanted to tell her about how lonely he had been since moving there, the amount of bullying and isolation he felt at school and how Bill was now living there. "I just... I'm missing you, Mabes. You can always make me feel better..." He said, hoping Mabel would figure that was the true reason behind the sadness in his voice.

"I'll try to come down as soon as I can, Dipper. Even if I have to use up all of my money." Mabel said, clearly worried about her twin. "I'll be fine, Mabel. Don't worry about me, okay." The last thing he needed was for Mabel and his parents to come there. There was no way he'd be able to explain to any of them why Bill was living there.

"Oh, shoot... I think mom and dad just got back. They don't know I've been calling you. I'll call you the next chance I get. Bye Bro-Bro..." Mabel said, hanging up before Dipper could even reply. Dipper put his phone down, though now slightly more upset than he had been before hand. As much as he loved hearing his twin's voice, he was now missing her more than before.

As much as he hated it, at that moment he was glad to be alone. He didn't want to try and explain to Bill why he was so upset. Instead, Dipper went to his bed, crawling under the comforting sheets and trying to sleep. He had been told to relax after all.

He hadn't been lying down for long when he felt the bed shift slightly. He pulled the blanket down to see Bill with a worried expression on his face. Dipper was surprised by this. Even though Bill had been taking care of him and helping after Matt had beaten him up, Dipper hadn't thought that the demon might've actually come to care for him. But the look on his face...

"Dipper, I don't need to be able to read minds to know something's upsetting you..." Bill spoke softly, as though trying not to scare the teen. Dipper looked down, shifting slightly. "What's it to you, Bill?" Dipper snapped, though clearly upset. "Why should I tell you everything? It's not like you tell me everything."

Bill frowned at the teen. "Dipper, If I tell you everything around my being here, would you please tell me what's upsetting you so much?" Dipper looked at the demon in shock. He couldn't believe that Bill was actually willing to make this bargain. "Why do you want to know, Bill? Why do you act like you suddenly care about my well-being?"

Dipper pulled his legs up, his forehead resting on his knees. Bill frowned, moving closer to hug the sad teen. Dipper was surprised, stunned by the demon's actions, before lowering his legs and holding on to the demon tightly. He hadn't realized just had much he needed contact with someone until then, and the feeling almost made him cry.

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