Chapter 19

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"Come on, Dip-Dot. I want to see the town again. It's been too long." Mabel tugged at her brother, trying to get him up. Dipper sighed, but since it was Mabel, he knew he couldn't say no. Standing up, he motioned for Mabel to lead the way, causing the brunette to grin widely.

She ran to the front door, motioning for her brother to move faster. Dipper was glad to spend some time with his sister. Only being able to see her through video calls for six months just wasn't the same as actually spending time with her.

Mabel shouted out that they'd be back later before dragging her twin out the door with her. Dipper was glad that their parents had backed off enough to let them do this. He didn't even want to think of what they'd do if Bill hadn't scared them off.

"So, Dipper, have any new favourite spots in town?" Mabel asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Dipper just rolled his eyes at her, though a place did come to mind. And he figured Mabel might like it also. Giving his twin a nod, he began to lead her towards town.

As the twins walked, Mabel told him all about school and the stuff he had missed out on. Some of the stuff she told him about actually caused him to laugh but at the same time, it caused him to miss his old school. Though he couldn't say he hated Gravity Falls High, it was where he had met the new Bill after all.

As the two walked towards the cafe, Dipper wondered if he'd seen people from his school. He really didn't want to see any of them but knew it was likely with how small of a town Gravity Falls was. He just didn't want to get into a fight or anything of the likes. Not when Mabel was here and while Bill was back at the shack. He just wanted a nice quiet time catching up with his sister.

They were just rounding a corner when Dipper saw the last person he wanted to see at the moment. He didn't want to think how he would act now that he was no longer his teacher as well as Dipper having finished high school. Though he had wanted to walk away, Mabel was with him and was still walking, not having noticed that her twin had stopped.

Seeing that she wouldn't be stopping any time soon, Dipper quickened his pace to catch up with her. Hoping that he'd keep his back turned so that he wouldn't notice the two brunets. Fate, however, had a different idea. Just before the two teens reached the door, he turned around, smiling upon seeing the brunet behind him.

"Dipper. Hello there. And who is this lovely young lady?" Dipper quickly glanced to Mabel before turning back to his teacher. "H-Hi, Mr. K... And this is my sister, Mabel." Though Dipper wasn't trying to hide the fact that he just wanted to head into the cafe, Mabel and Alexander had different plans.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Mabel. I must admit, I've never seen you at school." Mabel was Mabel, a blush quickly forming on her cheeks as she was addressed in such a manner. "I've been in California. I only just got here yesterday with our parents." Though neither twin explained more on the matter, Alexander seemed to just know why it was that Dipper had been living and going to school away from his family.

Dipper felt his blood freeze as he made this realization. Though it wasn't the first time, he still felt uneasy whenever this happened. It was as though he was reading his mind or something similar. And this thought caused him to become even more nervous around his ex-teacher.

"I see. And speaking of seeing, I don't see Mr. Cipher around. Is it just you two in town on this lovely day?" Dipper gave a stiff nod. He was really wanting to just leave this conversation now, but he knew he couldn't. "Yeah... He's back at the shack with our parents and great uncles."

Alexander seemed almost pleased by this bit of news. "Well, since we're all here, why don't I treat you both. Actually, Dipper, I've been hoping to see you. I have some news I think you'd be quite interested in hearing." Dipper really didn't want to but before he could state as much, Alexander and Mabel walked ahead of him into the cafe, leaving him with no choice but to join them.

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