Chapter 18

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Dipper stood up upon seeing his own father standing in front of him. Glaring at him, Bill slowly stood as well, stepping between the teen and his father. "Mason, get here, now. I won't ask again." Dipper was glad to have Bill there with him. He knew he wouldn't have been able to stay as brave as he was at that moment

Upon it becoming clear that Dipper wasn't to move over to him, Mr. Pines walked over to grab the teen. Bill, however, was faster, grabbing his arm before he could reach Dipper. "Touch him and I will break your arm." Mr. Pines quickly moved away from the demon. Dipper didn't need to see his boyfriends face to know how scary he had to look at the moment.

"Bill, it's fine... Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford are probably waiting for us..." Dipper held the demon's hand, trying to calm him. Bill looked at the teen, unsure of the teen's choice. Upon seeing that the teen was sure of his choice, Bill's defence lowered slightly, allowing Dipper to lead him back to the shack.

None of the three spoke on their way back. Dipper was using Bill to strengthen himself. He knew that, without Bill, he would've been scared shitless upon seeing his own father standing there. Bill, however, was quite angry. Though he knew Dipper would never mention it, the demon knew the teen had been terrified. The tight grip the teen had on his hand told him that the brunet was indeed still uneasy.

It wasn't until they reached the clearing for the shack did Dipper finally let out a sigh of relief. Bill smiled at the teen, kissing his hand. Though this act startled him, Dipper was glad that Bill was still willing to be opening affectionate. Being somewhat distracted by this, Dipper hadn't noticed a certain brunette female running out of the shack, tackling him in a hug.

"Dipper! I've missed you, bro-bro." The male teen smiled happily, giving his twin a hug. "Hey, Mabel. I missed you too. But I thought you weren't coming down for another week." Mabel pulled back, noticing the disapproving look on their father's face. "Graduation has been pushed back until August. Seemed a lot of the graduating class didn't pass all their needed classes. So they'll all in summer school."

Dipper was surprised by this information, though didn't think much on it. He was just glad to have his sister back. "Well, I'm just glad you were able to come down. I honestly thought I'd almost never see you again." Dipper looked over to Bill before turning back to his twin. "Also, Mabel. I believe a formal introduction is required. This is Bill, my boyfriend. Bill, this is my twin sister Mabel."

Before either one could speak, there was a loud smack. None fully realized what had happened until Dipper slowly raised a hand to the back of his now throbbing head. "Mason Pines, your mother and I didn't agree to come down here just to hear you speaking such nonsense." Bill, now angry, rounded on the man, only for Dipper to grab his arm.

Without a word spoken, the two left the group, heading inside. Bill was still fuming, yet stopped upon seeing the look on his boyfriend's face. "Let's get you some ice for that, Sapling." Dipper knew Bill was trying to distract himself by focusing on him. He was glad to see this. Of course, the pain in the back of his head was making it hard for him to fully take in everything, so he figured he could be missing things.

Upon entering the kitchen, Dipper sat down while Bill pulled out an ice pack from the freezer. He wrapped it in a towel before lightly placing it on the brunet's head. Dipper let out a sharp gasp before slowly relaxing against the demon. Stan and Ford soon entered the kitchen quickly followed by Mabel, all of whom looked worried.

"Dipper, are you alright? Mabel just told us what happened." Dipper gave a small nod, though didn't look up. Bill, who was the closest was the only one to know without question why that was. Dipper was trying not to cry. At least not where everyone could see him.

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