i. one

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eddie kaspbrak, a boy from chicago was just hanging out in his room, where him and his mother lived. he was listening to his vinyls play from his record player. contemplating on who was the hottest boy at his high school.

that was, until his mother, sonya kaspbrak, came through the door.

"eddie bear, i have some bad new for you.." sonya trailed off from her son.

"yes mom?" he politely said and paused his music.

"my job is being transferred to a small town in maine and that means, we're moving." she excitingly said to him.

eddie was heartbroken, he loved being in the rush of chicago. he loved the pizza and the hot dog carts. but most importantly, he loved this boy, andrew carson.

"why!?" he screamed at her.

"eddie, what's wrong? have you stopped taking your medicine?" sonya was concerned about her son. and always has been.

"no! just get out." eddie couldn't lower his voice. he never felt this much hatred towards anything. he never wanted to leave chicago.

"eddie." sonya pleaded.

"get out!" eddie started throwing shirts at his mother. she fled out of his room in a panic. as soon as she left, eddie collapsed on his bed. he started having a breakdown from being so shocked.

he blamed his mother and how awful she was for making him have to pack up and leave. he wanted to stay but he knew it was too late and the decision was made.

present time, eddie's point of view (april 2018)

mom and i were traveling down the speedy highway to our new home. i was smooshed up against the window from boxes being shoved in front and back of our small car, along with the rest of the boxes in the moving truck, following us shortly behind.

"eddie, you can't stay silent forever." mom said.

"out of all places, they had to pick boring, old maine." he grumbled.

"i'm sure you can make new, responsible friends. unlike your old, so-called friends." she said.

"mom, for heaven's sake, they're still my friends. i don't know why you have such a grudge against them!" i said.

i had a small group of good friends in chicago. it consisted of ally morgan, kristi cooper and of course my best friend and dream boy, andrew carson. mom hated them with everything in her. she never specifically said why she hated them but i'm pretty sure it was because i broke curfew a bunch of times.

"eddie, they were horrible influences for you. i want you to be safe is all." she said and looked over at me.

"mom." i breathed. "i know you want what's best for me but you don't have to 'that parent' who always has to be in my business." i said and put air quotes around "that parent."

"being a parent that cares isn't bad, eddie bear." she said.

"it is when you care too much." i mumbled.

"enough with the attitude!" she shouted. "you know what? just put your earbuds in and don't talk to me for the rest of the trip!?"

"fine." i said, loudly.

time skip

"eddie, wake up, we're here." my mom was shaking me awake. i slowly opened my eyes, it was still bright out but only three o' clock.

i popped up and unbuckled my seat belt. i opened the door to where i would now be living.

"woah." i said. in chicago, we were living in a small 2 bedroom apartment. but now, we actually had a real house.

"you want to see your new room?" my mom asked.

"yeah, where is it?" i turned to her and asked.

"upstairs, first room to the left." she said.

i bolted up the porch steps inside the open house. the first look was nice. we had a tight hallway leading into what seemed to be the kitchen. but, i was most excited to my room. i ran up the stairs and went to left and saw it. it was huge, almost as big as the master room. i walked through the door and it felt right for some reason.

i also heard an unfamiliar sound that i didn't hear in chicago; a lawn mower.

i walked over to the window that had a perfect view on the next door neighbor's yard. it was boy, shirtless. he looked to be about my age.

i couldn't help but stare at him. and hopefully he didn't notice his new gay neighbor eyeing him like a hawk.

"eddie! we need to get these boxes unpacked! come back down!" my mom shouted and caught me out of my daze.

"coming mom!" i said. the shirtless dreamboat had to wait i guess.

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