xxi. twenty one

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eddie kaspbrak

the time was seven in the morning, on a snowy thursday. it was finally december and only a week out from christmas. it was the last day before it was two weeks away from school, which excited me. it meant spending as much time with richie as possible. it was only two months ago, we finally confessed to each other that we had feelings. and a month later, we're still exploring our feelings, since we've started dating.

and speaking of richie, he was waiting on me, so we could go to school. i have yet to tell my mom about us being together, knowing she'll flip her shit if she knew i was dating him. though, she's been surprisingly lenient with me seeing richie and letting me go over to his house. i'm not too sure why, maybe she has a boyfriend, that's my best guess.

i headed down the stairs and towards the door. the creaking of her recliner began as she was getting up to give me a hug.

"have a great day, eddie bear." she said, giving a sloppy kiss on my forehead, before going back to watching the morning news. i ran out the door, closing it as i was practically bouncing off the wall from my excitement to see richie. i ran to his car, feeling the warmth of the heat in his car hit my face as i climbed in. i shut the car door and was met with a kiss from richie.

"i've missed you, eds." he said, with a goofy smile as he started the descent to school.

"itchy, i saw you yesterday." i laughed, extremely happy to see him, since i also missed him.

"i know but it's easy to miss you.." he mumbled as he gave me a soft smile.

"so it's the last day before break? what are we gonna do?" i asked him, as he held my hand as he drove.

"bill is having everyone to stay over? does that spark your interest any?" he asked.

"of course, i'm in." i smiled, excited to be able to see my friends. we continued the drive to the school, feeling very safe and content. sure, nobody knew about our relationship, other than the losers but if anybody did find out, it wouldn't end well. it would be all over school and my mother would find out and it would just be awful. the abuse from bowers would be ten times worse.

the night i was beaten up by them and greta is still on my mind, constantly. richie doesn't even know greta was apart of it, still. i'm too afraid to even talk about that night still, i haven't told anybody what happened, too scared that it might happen again. and of course i know richie would protect me from bowers but i don't want to involve him in this, avoid him getting hurt.

"you ready, spaghetti?" richie asked, as he put the car into park.

"you know how much i still hate when you call me that." i said, rolling my eyes as i got out of the car, to the once more cold chills of wind. it doesn't usually get this cold but it was much different planned day for the weather.

i walked over to richie and we walked towards the front of the school. him and i received the typical stares like we normally would, but this morning was very different. there were whispers and finger pointing this time. i was beyond worrying to what was happening right now, if something was coming.

and of course, there was. as i rounded the corner towards my locker, it had been vandalized. it was spray painted with the awful slur that i was always called. but it didn't end there, no because it never did. i twisted the lock to my locker to see the planted photos of richie and i kissing, the night we confessed our feelings. he jerked the picture out of my hand, a flush of anger now coming over him.

"who the fuck did it?" he said, raising the picture up.

"rich.." i trailed off, knowing who was up to the scheme.

"why don't you fairies shut up?" bowers said from behind, as he walked slowly towards richie and i. followed by bowers were his usual friends and now greta.

"it was going to come out one way or another." greta snickered.

"leave him alone." richie spat at them.

"you're just like him, tozier. i mean, who knew you liked this homo." bowers laughed. "who knew beating him up wouldn't do the trick. maybe he needs to be hit harder." he said, cracking all his bones.

"they beat you up? when?" richie turned to me, latching onto my hand.

"the night of your show, when i was at the hospital." i said, tears starting to well in my eyes.

"yep, now it's time again. say goodbye to your teeth." greta laughed again. "get em boys."

bowers and his goons ran towards richie and i. first, the pain of being hit against the locker, along with being punched in the cheek. i was able to counter, as i hit hockstetter in the nose, as it began to trickle blood. bowers was meanwhile laughing, watching as they beat richie and i up. richie was holding his own pretty well, as he had the upperhand on vic.

bowers finally cut in, now beating richie to the ground. i suddenly built up such strength to be able to kick hockstetter off me and grab onto henry's mullet. i took him by his hair, slamming his head repeatedly against the lockers. richie tried his best to pull me off of henry, as his nose began bleeding. henry was even starting to pass out as i continued to slam his head. my tears started rolling down my cheeks as i finally quit slamming his head.

i fell to the ground as they ran away, trying not to be caught by the staff. richie was beside me, holding my hand, as i soon realized all my secrets were let out into the open.

author's note!

hey! i know this book has been really sloppy but i'm trying my best to be able to wrap up this book as best as possible. enjoy the chapter <3


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