vi. six

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eddie kaspbrak

richie was in the driver's seat while eddie was in the passenger seat. richie had his eyes on the road, being very alert to oncoming cars. meanwhile, eddie stared out the window, looking at the outside scenery. he saw the trees, the leaves turning orange and brown, also watching how they blew off of the trees.

richie looked over to eddie. he laid a hand on his shoulder, frightening eddie. he tilted himself a little towards richie, before turning back to the window.

"sorry." richie said, pulling his hand away.

"its okay." eddie said, rubbing his shoulder, that had just been touched.

richie pushed up the frames on his thick, black glasses to his nose and continued to drive. weird, guess he has to wear glasses to drive. it seemed that time was slower than normal, as it took forever to get to bill's house.

"so eds." richie said.

"don't call me, eds. it's eddie." eddie corrected richie sassily.

"okay, eddie." richie said, putting emphasis on his name. "where are you originally from?" he added.

"i'm from chicago." eddie said. he finally turned away from the window fully, leaning more towards richie's side of his car.

"what's it's like in the city?" richie asked.

eddie hesitated to answer him.

"it's nice. it's like you have so much more freedom than you do here. you can see so much." eddie said. "i love it there but i mean, i guess, being here isn't so bad." eddie said, partially lying. he really did miss chicago but there wouldn't be moments like this with richie. yet eddie felt bad since he still had some feelings for andrew.

"maybe one day, i could go there." richie said. eddie smiled to himself, maybe him and richie could go together.

they sat in a comfortable silence for a few seconds before richie turned up the radio and plugged his phone into the car, to play his music.

he put on lemon boy by cavetown.

he immediately listened along to the song until the singer started singing.

richie turned his face to eddie, smiling as he sung the lyrics.

"you listen to this kind of music?" richie asked eddie. and once again, it frightened eddie.

"yeah, i love cavetown." eddie said, blushing slightly.

"that's cute." richie said.

richie tozier

"that's cute." i said.

it was cute how innocent eddie was, even if he was sixteen years old. and very much opposite of me.

from what i've picked up on eddie, he was a shy and smart kid. and he liked indie and alternative music. he liked the colors of the rainbow. and he was innocent. very different from me.

i am loud and kind of obnoxious. and i liked that, it made me some what different. i like indie and rock music. i didn't like colors of the rainbow, i'm kind of like batman, i like black and dark colors. and i'm not innocent. i'm not pure. i'm purely a trashmouth kind of teenager.

eddie kaspbrak

"tell me about you." eddie said, acting quite shy.

"i love rock and indie music. i'm loud and obnoxious most of the time. and i love my friends, a lot. they keep me happy and they know me the best." he described.

richie looked over at eddie.

"now, tell me more about you, eds." richie said, hoping to get a reaction from eddie.

and of course he did, eddie was dying to show his reaction.

"first off don't call me eds." eddie said as richie laughed a little bit. "but, i love my friends, from chicago. and they've helped me through so much. from being able to survive with my many medications i'm on, handling life with my control freak of a mom and being able to be myself. my happy, little self." eddie said.

richie didn't answer back with something sarcastic or some witty insult. his new relationship was different from the long lasting ones he had with the other losers. there was something different about each other that just stuck out. like an outlier. that he didn't know about.

and neither did eddie. it was like it was oblivious to the two of them.

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