iv. four

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eddie kaspbrak

"he's coming back. come here boys." a female voice said.

eddie fluttered his eyes open slowly and saw three people standing above him.

he ushered up quickly from the infirmary bed.

"ow." eddie let out, grabbing his forehead. "what happened?"

"henry bowers." richie said.

bill and richie were in there waiting for me, while i was blacked out, apparently.

"would you two like some time to talk to your friend?" the nurse said.

"y-yes please." bill said.

the nurse left the infirmary, closing the door behind her.

richie was the first to pop up and sit next to eddie on the bed.

"dude, you seriously look horrible." richie said, examining what happened to eddie.

"w-what?!" eddie stammered.

he looked at his fist, bruised and purple.

"y-yeah, no o-offense." bill chimed in. "the n-nurse said your knees are bruised too when she e-examined you." he said.

"s-shit." eddie mumbled.

"what?" richie said, unable to hear eddie.

eddie let out a sigh. "if my mom finds out i got beaten up, she'll go mental and send me to the hospital."

"i t-think i could h-help, we just need b-bev." bill said.

"when don't you need bev, you're always up her ass, metaphorically and literally." richie teased bill.

eddie started to snicker a little bit.

"a-am not." bill got a bit offended from richie's comment. he crossed his arms like a little kid.

"can we just do whatever you need to do? i don't want to me murdered when i get home." eddie suggested, acting snarky over the whole situation.

"fine, eddie spaghetti. your mom doesn't have the same manners as you, and i'm one to know. she's was in my room last night." richie said, obviously acting like a complete trashmouth.

eddie smacked his arm but resulting in pain from his knuckles.

"y-you two need to quit flirting. l-let's g-go!" bill said.

richie rolled his eyes while eddie scratched his head.

bill, richie and eddie grabbed all their things, richie wrapping his lanky arms around eddies back, helping him up, while bill got the door. the three headed off to where they knew the four other friends would be at; the quarry.

time skip

"where are they!?" stan was pacing the gravel by the larger rocks at the overlook of the lake.

"didn't you hear?" ben spoke up, playing with his fingers.

"didn't i hear what?" stan annoyingly said and stopped pacing.

"the new kid got hurt during the middle of the day, i think rich and bill went to check on him or something." mike said to stanley.

stanley went silent, just thinking in his thoughts.

gravel started to jump up from the ground has two bike pulled up to the quarry. three boys came running up, two of them in perfect shape, one with bruises all over. richie still had ahold of eddie, to make sure he doesn't loose his balance.

beverly popped up from the rock she was sitting on. "eddie, are you okay?" she walked over to eddie, brushing richie off of him and examining his knuckles.

she grabbed his hands. he pulled away from her grip, from the pain her grasp was giving his fragile hands. he placed them by his sides instead.

"b-bev, eddie needs t-to hide this from his m-mom i-immediately." bill said. he fiddled with his fingers a little bit while talking to bev.

"can't we just bandage him?" she suggested.

"my mom will send me to the hospital like a mad woman." eddie said shyly. nobody knew about his mother whatsoever but they did pick up the fact that she was very overprotective and crazy.

"then, we'll use makeup to cover up the bruises." beverly said. "come with me, eddie." she added, grabbing his wrist and her backpack. she walked away from the rest of her friends.

she took him over to a couple of trees near the rocks but far enough away where nobody would bother him or her.

she began to pull out a couple of bottles of skin colored liquids.

eddie knew what they were; foundation and concealer.

beverly put some of the product on her fingers and begun to dab it into his wounds.

"how do you know what to do?" he asked her. she chuckled a bit.

"well for one i am a girl. and well sometimes, i just need to cover up what i do behind closed doors." she said.


"you know what i mean?" she said, looking up at me.

"yeah." he said quickly.

"you ever do that, new kid?" she asked, continuing to cover up my bruises.

"n-no. i'm a virgin." he shrugged.

she stopped what she was doing and stared at him.

"but your sixteen?" she said, surprised that a cute kid like eddie hasn't done anything like that.

eddie shook his head. "no, that's not really my scene." he said.

beverly finished up with hiding eddie's bruises, putting away her spare makeup.

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