x. ten

161 8 0


eddie kaspbrak

i fluttered my eyes open, sunshine blinding my eyes. i rubbed my eyes with my fists, sitting up and stretching my arms. i heard someone shifting near me, it was bill. everyone was still asleep. when i noticed, i slowly got up from my area, to go upstairs and sit on the couch. bill's mom was at work and his little brother, georgie and his dad weren't there either. i walked up the basement stairs, slowly to not wake up my newly acquired friends.

as i reached for the door, i heard a ruckus from outside, now hesitate to open the door. i went through with my actions, turning the knob and opening it slowly, seeing richie making pancakes and listening to music quietly. he was listening to what it seemed to be some soft rock.

i got scared, making me panic. i tried to get away from the door, only resulting the door to open, myself crashing to the floor. richie jumped about two feet in the air, causing him to drop his spatula on the ground and turned around to see me of the floor.

he rushed over and ushered me up. he grabbed onto my arm, pulling me while having his hand on my shoulder.

"thanks." i said, feeling a rush of nervousness inside my chest. i pulled myself off of richie. richie smirked as he stared at me until he figured out what response he could come up with.

"what're you doing up so early, spaghetti?" richie said, slightly tapping my cheek with his index finger. eddie shooed his finger off, making richie chuckle.

"don't you have pancakes to not burn?" i said. richie turned around and went over to the stove.

"no common sense this early?" i asked, with my arms held together behind my back. i walked over to the counter and sat down on one of stools.

richie flipped me off, making me dramatically gasp. richie rolled his eyes, like he always does.

"round everybody up for breakfast?" richie asked in the form of a question. i understood and got up and headed down to wake up the other so breakfast would start.

time skip

i walked up next to richie, to let him know that everyone was up.

"hey, everyone's up and stan's getting cranky." i said.

richie placed the last pancake on the tray, before throwing the spatula into the sink.

"don't let stan phase you, he's a natural whiny ass." richie said, laughing. meanwhile, i pretended to laugh and put on a fake smile.

richie gave me a stare, knowing i was faking. i got embarrassed, starting to fiddle with my fingers. he walked over to the smaller boy, putting his hand over his fiddling fingers.

"stop worrying, eds. we're good people, i promise." richie said, trying to comfort him.

i started to form a real smile on my face.

richie smiled too, lifting his hand off of mine.

"there we go, now let's go eat." richie said, grabbing a plate, stacked up with pancakes. i grabbed some silverware for everyone at the table and a couple of napkins, before entering the dining room, full of people.

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