ix. nine

140 8 1


eddie kaspbrak

i laid on the floor, covered up in a soft blanket and my head on soft pillow. i had all these things that could help me fall asleep yet my mind wouldn't allow me to sleep for some reason.

it's like my body wanted to sleep yet my mind had control over not letting me sleep.

i couldn't still get my mind around on how richie had been gone for at least an hour. all of the losers were guessing he was hooking up with some high school girl who was eager to just have a good time.

i would never be the kind to just hook up with someone just to hook up with someone. and that's the difference between richie and i. he's more of an in the moment kind of boy and me, well, i'm more of a development kind of person; i like my romantic relationships to develop, not just happen in just a week or a day. richie has a complete opposite personality as mine, i'm so different from him.

my brief thoughts were cut off by a half asleep, half disorderly richie tozier. i could tell he was trying to sneak in and fall asleep but since i was awake, i ruined all of his plans.

"richie!" i whispered-shouted to him, catching him off guard and making him frightened a little bit.

he put his hand on his chest in relief. "thank god it's just you, eddie." he said, taking off his shoes and putting them by his stuff.

his hair was all messed up, his shirt was much more wrinkled than before and i'm pretty sure his pants were on backwards.

"where have you been?" i asked kindly, not trying to come off like a concerned parent. i wrapped myself up in blanket from being on the cold, basement floor.

"you remember how i talked about greta?" he asked, steadily sitting down on the floor in front of me.

i nodded my head slowly, basically not knowing who greta was, only hearing about her briefly, from two different point of views.

"we did it in the backseat of my car, literally just half an hour ago." richie said to eddie. eddie was trying his hardest not cringe over the fact he was thinking about a girl and the boy he was crushing on having sex.

eddie stayed silent, not wanting to answer back from richie's confession. he was feeling a bad sense of uneasiness from the fact richie just had sex with some girl that eddie has no clue about or what kind of person she was. yet, eddie didn't have a place to ask who she was.

"cool." is all eddie said, not having experience with sleeping with girls. he's only kissed one, in chicago when he was 14 and he hated it. every second of the sloppy kiss


eddie sat on the couch at the crowded room of one of the popular girls parties, he didn't know her name, but one of his friends dragged him here.

a girl came into the room, obviously tipsy from her intake of beer, plopped down on the couch next to eddie.

"hey." she said, trying her best to hit on eddie. but eddie didn't realize what social cues were at the time. he turned to her.

"hey. fun party huh?" he asked, not even knowing what to say to someone under the influence.

she was rubbing her hands through eddie's hair, making him uncomfortable.

"you're so hot." she said, trying her best to attract eddie to her. yet, it wasn't working. her body language was the complete opposite from eddie's; she was like an open invitation and eddie was like a locked door.

"thanks?" eddie said, unsure on what to do. the random, drunk girl bit her lip and grabbed eddie's collar.

he had no way out of his current situation now. she pulled his face towards hers and connected their lips. she tasted like beer and her lips had some cheap lipgloss across them. she tried to slip tongue to him but he was not about it.

eddie immediately pulled her off of him and ran out of the party to go home.

end of flashback

he was mortified, realizing how gross that girl was. that's really when eddie began to realize that he was not straight.

"well, i'm going to bed, eds." richie said, kicking eddie out of his thoughts.

"my name is eddie!" he whispered-shouted. eddie came off as a little rude too, but of course richie just smirked at eddie.

"and what are you going to do if don't call you eddie, eds?" richie said, snickering at eddie.

eddie grabbed ahold of richie's wrists. richie tried his best to pull away from eddie's grip yet couldn't. but he managed to try and fight eddie's grip. the two of them were trying not to laugh hysterically and wake the others up. finally, eddie got the chance to pin richie to the ground by his wrists.

without realizing until the last second, he was on top of richie and panting hardly, breathing really close to his face. it felt like there was about an inch between their faces.

before anything could happen, eddie got off of richie and grabbed his blanket and hid his face so richie didn't see eddie's cheek, being flashed with a dark crimson color. but, richie didn't know how badly eddie wished that he could've kiss him. yet, he was afraid, he was afraid of rushing into situations quickly. he'll always be afraid of what to do with boys, since there has been yet anyone to accept his feelings. he never told his crush in chicago his feelings and it was going to be the same way with richie.

richie has greta now and eddie couldn't control it. but of course, he wished he could.

a/n: this chapter is so sloppy, i'm sorry :(

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