30: This isn't Good-bye

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"This is bad, this is bad," Henry repeated to himself. He paced his room with his and his girlfriend's dog staring up at him. The darker one of the two had his head tilted in curiosity. The brunet didn't pay them any attention as he was troubled being by himself instead of usually being with his significant other. Despite feeling incomplete without you around, this feeling felt like his heart was thrust out of his chest when your father took you away.

"Son?" his familiar parents' voice rang through the house as they opened the front door with indispensable urgency.

"Mom! Dad!" he called back out to them as he rushed down the stairs. He met them halfway with his mother grabbing his upper arms in a gentle, worry manner. "He took her. This morning, he just suddenly--"

"We know, Son," his dad comforted, "We received word of his arrival yesterday."

"What?" Henry cried out, "And you didn't let me know about it?"

"Trust us, Henry," his mother said, "We barely knew he was coming at all. We got on the first flight when we found out."

"We told him we could meet with him in the afternoon," Stoick added, "He probably didn't listen and came here first thing in the morning when he found out that we weren't here."

"We have to get her back," Henry choked on his words. He remembers this feeling. This was the same feeling of you leaving him the first time around. He lost his only friend when he was younger and now he lost his lover.

Valka saw the glistening eyes of her son and hugged him on instinct. If it wasn't for the political standing of her husband, by now, for sure, she would have given the ambassador an earful. To hell with it, she decided, she would give him what he deserves.

"I'll try to get in contact with him," Stoick started, "I doubt he's gotten far, let alone out of the nation."


The three of them turned towards the voice behind the front door and Stoick was the first to regain composure and opened the door. A man in his late twenties was breathing slightly heavy as if he rushed to the property. There was an envelope in his gloved hand and he rushed it forward towards the tall man.

"An urgent letter from the Ambassador of [homeland], sir," he politely addressed.

"How old fashioned," Stoick grumbled as he grabbed the letter out of the messenger's hands, "Thank you."

The messenger bowed slightly and walked off the property. Stoick didn't waste any time in opening the letter and read it. His eyes skimmed the page before they widen and shoving the letter in his son's hands.

"Dad?" Henry called.

"It's for you," Stoick answered his unspoken question.

Henry instantly felt worried. His father sounded almost sad, almost like a broken man. As if he was sad for the lost of a loved one. He was almost too afraid to look at the contents of what the letter could hold.

But with his lover taken away from him because of her father, he put a brave face and read what the pages said.

Neat handwriting was not what he was expecting, nor the greeting of his lover.


               By the time you get this letter, I'm probably on my way to my hometown right now. Just know that I'm going willingly, because as much as father thinks he's hard to get rid of, he is not and I would've come back instantly. Don't come looking for me. There are some things that I have to think about and others that I have to take care of.

               I'm confident of coming back to you that is if you're willing to wait for me. That is, because my father finally actually started listening to me. He even approved of our relationship. It's shocking, I know, but it came with a price of me returning to my hometown. Before we left for our flight and before writing this letter, some truths came out for the first time since my mother disappeared from this world.

               There is still so much that I don't know. I'm going to learn more and become a stronger person. That way, when I come back, we can live a peaceful life like how we were before. All I ask is that you wait for me please, because this isn't good-bye, but more of a see-you-later.

               Tell everyone thank you and hug your parents for me because they felt like true parents to me.

               I love you, Hiccup.


Henry didn't expect to feel relieved but frustrated at the same time by reading a single letter. He felt the tension roll off his shoulders but the frustration showed through the tears that dropped onto the frail paper in his hands. He wiped the tears away with the back of his hands before any more could fall.

What were you talking about? How did you managed to finally get through your father when even he, who has a way of words, couldn't? Why didn't you at least say good-bye to him? Were you really going there of your free will? What happened with your mother that you had to be vague about it?

Questions swarmed his thoughts and caused a slight headache. Despite all the questions that continue to grow, a feeling was nagging at his heart. Even though you said you'll be back, why did it feel like you were really saying good-bye? Almost like a just-in-case.

No, you said you would come back.

He needs to believe so.

Word Count: 918


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