Chapter 6

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    (Y/N) POV

     After school I got a text from Tazuki.

     Hey (Y/N). Sora's sick so when you come over bring a gas mask

I'll be there but is a gas mask really necessary?

     Yes I cant have you getting sick too

okay then I'll be there in 30

     I honestly don't know if I was overthinking this or did Tazuki care about me? Something about him not wanting me to get sick made me happy for some reason. I really am a creep. I need help, I swear. He was probably just trying to be nice, that's all.

      After I finished overthinking things, I decided to make some chicken soup for Sora. With a swift movement from my hand, all of the ingredient had magically appeared. And with that, I got to work.

     Once I had finished cooking the soup, I started getting my stuff to head to Sora's house. Luckily, I had a gas mask. In fact, I have about 5 other gas masks in my storage closet. Why, you may ask? Let's just say my parents have me traumatized.

      I thought about Cosmo for a second. "Do magical wolves need gas masks? Do they even get sick?" I asked myself. Just to be safe, I magically crafted a functioning gas mask for Cosmo. Not only would it prevent him from getting sick, but it also looked stylish. So then, we set off to Sora's house.

     Once I got there I knocked on the door. A lady with whitish purple hair answered. "You must be one of Sora's friends. Come in." She said. "Thanks." I replied. I stood in front of Sora's bedroom door. I put on me and Cosmo's gas masks and entered. "Hey guys. I brought some chicken soup for you." " Hey (Y/N). Thanks for bringing me soup. It looks really good." He told me, his voice sounding raspy from his sore throat. "No problem. I should probably leave you to rest. Don't trouble yourself too much Sora." I said.

     Tazuki POV

     After (Y/N) left the room, Sora asked me a favor. "Could you go feed Mii and Pochi for me?" "Yeah, sure." I agreed and went downstairs to go feed the two animals. I went to the dining area to see (Y/N) sitting on the couch and Mii and Pochi eating dog food. "I figured they were hungry. Anyway, I was waiting for you because I was thinking we could walk home together." She said with a smile. "That'd be nice." I told her. 

     We started walking to her house when she asked me, " Hey Tazuki, what do you usually do after school?" "Just club activities and stuff. Why?" I asked. "I just wanted to know. I was thinking that maybe we could hang out once we're done with our school stuff. I want to get to know you better." She said. "Just me and you?" I asked her. "I mean, no- I'm sorry. That must've sounded weird." She said with an awkward laugh. "No, no it's okay. I was just a little surprised, that's all. People don't really take me for an interesting person." At the moment, I was little impressed with myself. I was keeping my composure pretty well. "Yeah um, just completely forget I said anything." She said with a laugh. The rest of the walk was filled with an awkward silence.

       We finally reached her house. "Thanks for walking me home Tazuki." She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah. No problem! Bye (Y/N)!" I speed walked away. What just happened?  I touched my cheek. I will never forget that.

     (Y/N) POV

     Oh my... did I really just do that? I don't know whether to feel embarrassed or proud of myself. Either way, I really had some guts to attempt to ask him out. I did chicken out but I was really bold for that. And for the kiss. I'm not sure where this bravery came from but damn.

     All I have to say is, Cosmo will be having to deal with me praising myself for most of the night. Ever since I developed a small little crush on Tazuki, Cosmo has been hearing me out and listening to me spew bullshit for hours. I can't tell if he understands anything I say but I can say with full confidence that talking to a magical wolf is comforting.

     Tazuki POV

     The next morning Sora made a group call with me, (Y/N), and him. He told us that he was all better but Mii got sick so he would have to stay home again. "Don't work yourself too hard Sora." I heard (Y/N) say. "Yeah." I agreed. "I won't! Bye guys!" The phone then hung up. I walked out of my house to see (Y/N). "I thought I'd wait for you so we could walk to school together too." She said with a smile. "That would be great." I told her.

     During lunch, (Y/N) and I had planned to go to Sora's together once school was over. 

      After school was over, we went to Sora's place to find Kaede with her glasses on. That always meant trouble. She came and put her arms on my shoulders. "I missed you, my sweet boy. Now, give me a hug."  I took off the glasses with my finger. Then I grabbed her face. "Let's redo that greeting again, shall we?"

     (Y/N) POV

     What just happened? Why? I'm not jealous. Am I? No! Why should I be? I mean she is like 20 after all. He wasn't really serious, right? Why do I care though? Do I really like HIM? No! Maybe? Forget it! I'm jealous. 

     "Hey (Y/N). Are you okay?" Tazuki asked. "Yeah I'm okay, Thanks!" I said with a forced smile. We all went to sit at the table to eat. "You need to do something about your personality while you have your glasses on." Tazuki told Kaede. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Ohhh you don't know. Well, you see, when Kaede has her glasses on she's a completely different person." Sora explained briefly. "I guess that makes sense." I replied. "I'm sorry." Kaede said. Tazuki then grabbed a piece of meat and put it on her plate. "Eat before it gets stiff." He said. For some reason, my eye slightly twitched. Was I really that effected by this?

     Once I finished eating, I decided to go back home.

     "Bye Sora." I said as I was walking out the door and heading towards my house. Tazuki came out a moment later and jogged to catch up with me.

     Tazuki POV   

     "Do you want to walk the rest of the way home together?" I asked her. "Sure I guess." She said a little gloomy. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah I'm good. Oh well would you look at that! My house is right there. See you, Tazuki." She said quickly while entering her house. "That was weird." I told myself. I walked the rest of the way to my house and went to bed without trying to think about what just happened.

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