Chapter 20

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      Time Skip (A couple days later)

     (Y/N) POV

     Everything hurts. What the hell did I do to deserve this? Someone make it stop, please. Should I just give up? No one can help me now. The only way out is to die and I can't kill myself because of these damned magic cancelling bonds. I want to die. Please someone kill me.

     Tazuki POV

     I want to die. Please someone kill me. I heard (Y/N)'s voice. I was frozen in place. Sora came over. "You heard her voice again, didn't you?" He asked. I nodded. "She's in pain. I can feel a small portion of it. She wants to die. She's in so much pain that she wants to die." My voice cracked. I took deep breaths in order to repress the tears that were forming. (Y/N)'s parents came in.

     After (Y/N) disappeared, I called her parents. We were all staying at Sora's house to try and find her. We concluded that (Y/N) was somewhere nearby because I could feel a fraction of her pain. According to her parents, when witches find their soulmate they form a connection with their partners. This connection allows them to hear each others thoughts and feel what the other feels. The feeling part can only occur when they are nearby each others but the thoughts can be shared within any distance. 

     "We think we found something. I know the past few places have been disappointing but we have a feeling this one may be it." I heard (Y/N)'s mother say. I sat up really quickly. "She might be in this abandoned storage unit complex around a vacant area around here." She explained. Suddenly, I saw the blonde guy that was in my nightmare. He was exiting the dark room he was in. He opened the door upward. The sunlight blinded me for a second but I soon recovered. I saw a rusty sign on the storage unit that read, "XtraSpace". The guy closed the door and I snapped out of my vision. I heard my friends calling my name.

     I didn't respond to any of my friends and asked, "What's the name of the storage unit?" "It's called XtraSpace. Why?" (Y/N)'s father said. I got up quickly and ran out of the house. Sora came out after me. "Where are you going!?" "She's there! I'm sure she is!" I yelled and kept running. I memorized the location. I shouldn't be far. 

     My lungs burned but it didn't matter. I was at the complex. The concrete paths were cracked and there was grass growing out them. It was completely deserted. I kept running. There was only 20 units in the entire complex. I remembered from the vision that the unit she was in was across from the number 7. That meant that she was in the 8th unit. There was a lock on the door but it was old and rusty. I looked around for something to break the lock with. I found a rock big enough to break the lock. I started to hit the lock with the rock I found hoping I was able to open the door.

     (Y/N) POV

     I heard a banging noise from outside. The door opened. I looked up.There stood a guy that kind of looked like Tazuki. He started to walk towards me and then broke out into a run. He knelt down and started to untie me. He looked at me with the saddest expression. "I'm here, okay? I'm here." His voice cracked. He was here.....he was actually here. "Tazuki...." I stood up and practically collapsed in his arms. I started crying into his shoulder. 

     Tazuki POV

     She hugged me and started crying. Once she couldn't see my face, I started crying silently. She looked so much worse than I thought she would. She had huge cuts and bruises all over her body and her eye.....her left eye.....or what was left of was terrible. Who would do this to her? Once I find who did this, they'll pay....I'll kill them. They'll never hurt her again. 

     Sora POV

     After Tazuki left, all of us went after him. When we made it to the complex, we saw that one of the units was open so we ran inside. There we saw Tazuki hugging a crying (Y/N) on the floor. The ground by the chair in the back was covered in blood. 

     (Y/N)'s parents ran over to their beloved daughter. They hugged her and Tazuki gave them some space. He walked outside. I followed him and I saw Tazuki leaning against the side of the building. His shirt was covered in (Y/N)'s blood. Tears were streaming down his face. He looked broken....I've never seen him like this. 

     I walked next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "I couldn't protect her. I couldn't save her in time. Have you seen her?" His voice was weak and I was taken aback so I just shook my head no. "She has cuts all over her but the worst part is her left eye. Her eye is gone. Completely gone. I couldn't protect her from this. She went through hell and I couldn't do shit for her." He said sorrowfully. 

     "You're wrong. I know that you won't believe me but you're wrong. You led us to her. You were able to give us her exact location. This isn't your fault." I tried to calm him down. 

     "I should've been more careful. After she got kidnapped the first time, I should've kept a closer eye on her." He kept trying to blame himself in some way. I went to stand in front of him and I slapped him. 

     "You need to snap out of it. It's not like you could've watched her every second of every day. (Y/N) doesn't blame you so you don't get to blame yourself for something that was completely out of your control. The important thing is that you found her and that she won't get hurt anymore. You have to be there for her. I know you'll blame yourself for a while so think of this as your way of making up for the things that you blame yourself for. Okay?" He looked surprised but he just nodded and gave me a hug. We hugged until he was ready to go back inside. 

     (Y/N) POV

     They were here, they were actually here. I'm free....I won't have to deal with it anymore. The pain will stop. But then I remembered.....Akio. I started hyperventilating . "Hey. Hey (Y/N) what's wrong?" Tazuki asked soothingly. 

     "We need to leave. He'll come back. He's going to come back. Please get me out of here......I don't want to see him.....I can't see him. Please, can we leave?"

     Tazuki brushed the hair out of my face. I flinched slightly. He looked a little hurt but he smiled in understanding. " Yeah, of course. Don't worry, we're going to leave. We'll go to Sora's house, okay?" I nodded and shakily reached for his hand.

     "Look, you're too weak to walk home. So is it okay if I pick you up and carry you back?" I looked into his eyes and I trust him completely. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He was Tazuki. He was the love of my life, he was there for me and he always will be. I gave him a nod.

     "Okay. I'm gonna pick you up now, alright?" I nodded appreciatively. I felt that I was now off of the ground. I buried my face in the crook of his neck. My left eye socket had a bandage , that my parents found in the unit, over it so it was hard to find a comfortable position. Tazuki started walking and we left the storage unit. We kept walking and I was leaving part of that painful experience behind me. They were taking me away from this hellhole. They found me. They saved me. I was actually going to be in a safe place again and I'm grateful for that.

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