Chapter 14

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     (Y/N) POV

     The next day, my parents came to my hotel to pick me up so we can go to their discovery site. "(Y/N), we are going to the site where we found your wolf." My mom said. "Where is he anyway?" My dad asked. "Can I show Cosmo in public? I mean what if someone sees him?" I said. "You can take him out at the site. You can tell us more about him there." My mom told me. "Okay." I agreed.

     When we got to the site I took Cosmo out of my backpack to show my parents. "He can breathe fire, summon his own food, and teleport." I explained. "That's a cool wolf!" I heard an unfamiliar voice. "Hi, I'm Mokuren Kashiwagi!" He said. "You're related to Sora?" I asked. "Yes, I'm his dad. Why?" He asked. "I'm friends with him." I said. "Really? That means you must know Tazuki." He said. I blushed and rubbed my neck. "Yeah, I do." we were walking around the site when my mom asked, "How do you know Sora?" "I bumped into him on my first day of school." I answered.

We finished the tour of the site and I went back to my hotel. I got a text from Akio. Just what I wanted.

Akio: Hi, (Y/N)! Did you rest well?

(Y/N): Yeah Akio. Thanks

Akio: That's good. How about we meet up tomorrow as friends.

(Y/N): Sorry Akio but I have to do something with my parents tomorrow.

Akio: That's too bad. Talk to you soon, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Bye Akio.

     I sighed. At least he ended the conversation this time. I called Tazuki to see how he was. "Hey Tazuki! How are you?" I asked in a cheery voice. He yawned and said, "Well it is 1:00am so sleepy." " Sorry I woke you. I didn't remember there was a time difference between here and Japan." I apologized. "It's fine." He said. "I should let you sleep now, shouldn't I?" I said feeling guilty for waking him up. "You don't have to. I'm awake now." He said. "I should be back after tomorrow. Then we can look for Conny together." I said. "That'd be nice." He answered a little sadly. "I'll let you have your rest now, Tazuki. Bye." I said. "Goodbye." He said as I hung up.

     The next morning, I went with my parents to go do some sightseeing in Egypt. They showed me some of the best places to eat and the amazing pyramids and statues. It was all beautiful but I was missing my friends. My parents noticed but I said I was fine. I eventually forgot about missing my friends and had a good last day with my parents. When we were at dinner I got a text from Akio.

Akio: Hi, (Y/N)! Is now a good time to talk?

(Y/N): No, not really Akio. I'm having dinner with my parents. Sorry.

Akio: That's okay. Have fun. Bye!

(Y/N): Bye.

     We finished dinner and I went back to my hotel. The next morning my parents took me to the airport. We had a teary goodbye and I boarded the plane. I sat down next to this boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. It was Akio. "(Y/N), nice to see you!" He said happily. "What a coincidence." I said. "I know, right?" He said cheerily. The rest of my flight was surprisingly peaceful. Very quiet and no interruptions from Akio. Cosmo was asleep in my backpack and I was listening to my music. The next thing I knew we were back in Japan. I got off the plane and I went to the exit of the airport. There I saw all of my friends. Motegi, Daichi, and Sora who didn't have their little creatures. In front stood Tazuki who had Conny in his pocket. He gave me a smile.

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