Chapter 3

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We got to the sand village jn a day like i knew we would. Once Griffen dropped us off he poofed away. Poor Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi were unable to stand and very wobbly

"Never.....again....." Sakura mutters

"Agreed," the other two mutter back

"Big babies," i roll my eyes then look around, "So where are we going?"

"We should go-"

"Move out of thr way!" We all quickly move and see Kankuro being carried to the hospital quickly, behind him are a few people carrying his broken puppets

"We should follow them and get Sakura to work her medical ninja justus," i finish what Sakura started

We all race after Kankuro's retreating unconscious form to the hospital. When we get into the room Sakura rakes charge. She starts ordering people around and ordering different things she needs. At one point she asks for people to hold down Kankuro while she pulled the poison out of his body. This was so painful Kankuro would wake up and thrash around

"Hold him down!" Sakura yells over Kankuro's screams

"Hulk!" I call out then look at a cloud of smoke

Once the smoke clears there standing in the room is a tall purple guy with 4 arms and a lot of muscles. He's as tall as Kakashi, has on black leather boots, baggy black pants, a loose t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off and extra holds for his other 2 arms. He's bald, well defined jaw, purple eyes, big nose, and emotionless face expression.

"Master, you called"

"Go hold down that guy on the bed but do not hurt or brake him. Hold him down gently where he can not move"

He nods then goes to the opposite side of Sakura and puts one arm on Kankuro's arm and leg then his other arms holds down his other arm and leg. He wasnt in Sakura's way so sje didnt mind him being there but just him by himself could hold down the screaming Kankuro.

Naruto, Kakashi, and i sit back and wait. It was clear Gaara wasn't here and from what we heard the train from the ones who kidnapped him were gone.


Finally after so long Sakura finishes pulling out the posion.

"Ok, i still need to make an antidote but that should do for now"

"Awesome, Hulk you can go," he nods then poofs away

"You know Blake those creatures of yours come in handy," Kakashi says as he glances at me over his book

"Ya they are but it would be nice if i could be more like Naruto. Have my own strength and power rather then relying on others," i smile sadly at Naruto who is currently arguing with an old women

"Everone is strong in different ways. You may need to rely on your creations in a lot of ways but you are the brains behind them. They need you to give them orders"

"Your partly wrong," i turn to Kakashi, "Once i create them they take on there own personality and there own way of thinking. Yes they do as i saw but you saw with Griffen he didnt immediately obey me."

"Kankuro!" We turn and see Temari run into the room and over to Kankuro, "You idiot! Why would you run off alone?!"

"Eh, sorry but i had to. I was able to get a part of one of there clothing. Someone can track there scent and find them quicker"

"Really?" Kakashi summones his talking dog who goes over and sniffs the cloth then runs out of the building

"Come on lets go!" Naruto almost runs out the door till Kakashi catches him by the collar

"Naruto wait, we have to wait for Sakura. If we go in now without an antidote to the poison we could die"

Naruto growls and clenches his fists and goes to say something when Katie slithers quickly past him anx up onto me like normal

"What are you doing here?" I narrow my eyes at her

"We have a problem.......and dont be mad at me.......only so much i can do when i dont have any hands," i can hear how tired and annoyed she is by her voice

Sighing i look to Kakashi and Naruto, "Im sorry but something ver important came up and i must leave for now. I will find you once im done dont worry"

Before tgey could protest i was out the door and running from tge hospital as fast as i could

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