Chapter 23

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-Sasuke POV-

"We cant all sorry......the boys.....there safe......but i cant........." Blake says softly but then he stops and his hand on my cheek goes dead weight and no longer cups my cheek, then i notice his mouth just pause mid scentense, finally his eyes, i see them loo the life in them

"Blake? Blake!" I pull away and lightl shake him, "Blake wake up!"

I shake him a few more times till i feel a hand on either shoulder stopping me. Finally i lean forward and hug Blake to me.

"Do you know?" I ask no one in perticilar, "Do you know where my boys are?"

"There in the same place as Blake's creatures," Kakashi answers

I hug Blake tighter, "So there is no way for me to get my boys back either....."

"No, there is a way," my head snaps up to Naruto


"Where is his scroll?" He has that same old determened look he gets

I reach into Blake's jacket and pulls out the scroll. I look at it then toss it to Naruto. Naruto catches it then opens it, cuts his thumb, and rubs his thumb on it

"This is Naruto Uzumaki, god father of Alex and Jake. I demand to have my god kids back. They do not beong there!" Naruto ends up shouting at the scroll

There is a moment of nothing then suddenly a big poof. When the smoke clears i see my boys standing there facing Naruto

"Naruto! What happened? Where's mom?" One of there asks as they look around a little then look back at him

Naruto looks at them sadly then looks at me. I notice one of the twins freezes but the other turns around quickly then freezes at the sight of me holding Blake. We were laying in just the way that i was facing the twins with Blake's head and his upper back were laying across my lap and you could see his whole body. You could see his stomach had been stabbed even though his back was worst

"M-m-mom...?" The twin looking at us slowly takes a step farward before running to us

He drops to his knees right next to Blake. I pull away some so my son can see his mother better. He thows himself onto Blake and starts crying loudly

With a small sign i gently put my hand on his back and rub it. For a few moments he allows it, but then he sits up and smacks my hand away while he glares at me, with his sharingan activated

"Dont touch me! If you hadnt of been with that bastered then he wouldnt be dead!!!!" Next thing i know he punches me in the face, and it was hard enough to knock me back and away from Blake but it also causes Blake to be moved

"Alex stop!" The other twin, Jake, shouts as he grab's Alex's fist that was aimed at me again, when i look at Jake he also has his shargingan activated. Both my boys got theres im so proud but at the same time im sad Blake couldnt see, to make it worst it was the fact that there mother is dead that they got it

Sighing i get up and pull both boys into a tight hug. Alex fights it for a minute while Jake just tenses. After a moment they both brake down and cry into me while clinging to me

I hold them tight and close as i look up at Naruto and ask in a low voice hoping the boys wont hear in case the answer is bad

"Can you call out that creature of Blake's? The one that can bring people back"

Naruto shakes his head slowly and sadly, "I could only bting them out. Im sorry Sasuke....."

I sigh and look down at my boys hugging them tighter


Its been a week since Blake's death and everyone has been busy rebuilding. After Alex and Jake cried on me the had spent hours calling out to Sesshomaru, that guy who can bring people back. To my boys disapointment he never came however Blake's body did dissapear that night. I didnt tell the twin and the new Hokage, Kakashi sensei, has a few people trying to find out where he is

Also since Kakashi is the new Hokage he has convensed the council to forgive me. Im still racked genin so i have to storm my way up, thats my punishment along with helping reuild.

The twins have also helped rebuild but i think its to keep there mind off Blake. Also in my free time ive been working on a project of my own, and when i say free time i mean when im not doing chores, helping reuild, or trying to get my boys to like me, as of now they hate my guts

"So, do you two want train?" I ask as i sit at the table of Blake's place and look two my boys who are tring there best not to look at me

"Good idea," Alex look at me ad gives me the Uchiha glare then he looks at Jake, "Lets go see if Naruto is free"

They get up and run out of the room before i can say anything. Sighing i get up and go see Kakashi. When i get to his office i see his door open and see Shikamaru is speaking with him

"If we keep at the rate were going we shout be dont in 2 weeks. We have several travelers who have offered to help as well. On top of that Iruka says the Academy is fully restored and he wants to know if you want to give the kids the graduation test the same time as before or should it be postponed?"

Kakashi sighs and rubs his head, "Posponed it a week, they deserve extra time they missied out on.......also give me time to make those teams...." Kakashi mutters the last part but Shikamaru sighs

"What a drag, Ill go tell Iruka"

he leaves the room nodding to me as he passes. Once he is gone i step into the room

"Kakashi sensei," Kakashi looks up at me surprised

"Sasuke, I didnt expect you to come in here today"

"Any knews?"

Kakashi sighs and leans back in his chair, "No nothing yet," I sigh and look out the window watching the people below, "How are they?"

"They never stop moving. If there not at the academy there helping rebuild. If there not helping rebuild there training till they drop"

I dont hear anything so i assume he nodded. Then he speaks again, "How are you?"

"My clan is gone, i killed my own brother who was ordered to kill my clan, the man i fell in love with is dead, i have twin boys who were born without my knowledge and spent several years without me, and now they hate my guts and would rather see me dead. What do you think?" I look over at him with tired sad eyes

"It will get better im sure"

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