Chapter 18

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I sat in my room, in a house in the middle of the forest that my team and i took over. I cant believe i killed him......he shoudlnt have died. If he had told me why he did it i wouldnt have killed him! Its all the Leaf's fault, if it werent for them my clan would ne alive and so would Itachi.

A knock snaps me out of my thoughts, "Sasuke? We just found out Blake has your kids again. Itachi had them. They are back in the leaf"

I growl and quickly open yank the door open with my sharingan activated, "Get the others, im taking my family back before they destroy that too"

-3rd POV-

A week goes by and things go back to being normal, well as normal as can be. Blake made sure he kept an eye on his boys at all times, not that the boys wanted to be too far from there mother. Blake also spend a lot of time with Kakashi, his now wife, and there 4 kids. He mainly went over to help them out and have Kakashi train his boys

Right now Blake was sitting in a tree watching as Kakashi trained with his boys. Next to him Naruto lands on the tree branch next to me and squats down

"How are they doing?"

"There getting better. There training is going really well. Even at a young age they are well above average. However mentally they are still children and everything thats been going on has been hard on them," Blake sighs softly

"They will be alright, they do have 2 strong partners after all," Naruto smiles at Blake causing Blake to smile back

"Thanks Naruto, oh and ive been thinking," Blake pull his scroll out and open it to his name, "Ive been thinking and i want you to be there godfather"

He looks to Naruto to see him crying with a smile, "Really?"

He rolls his eyes but smiles, "Yes now there is something i need to talk to you about"


"Alright that's enough for today," Kakashi calls it as he watches the boys pant heavily, Kakashi himself was a bit worn out not that he would admit it

He looked up and saw Blake and Naruto whispering to each other. He watches them for a moment before Naruto nods and jumps away. Blake jumps down and smiles at us

"Alright, lets get home and shower, then dinner and Iruka sensei will come over and start teaching you boys"

Alex groaned while Jake grinned. Chuckling Blake lead them back to the house where they find Ino making dinner. Blake had yet to speak with her and he waz still a bit mad at her

"You guys hungry?" She smiles at them

The twins grin and quickly went to the table and waited for there food which they eagerly dug into once she set the plates down. Blaks refused the food and just watched his boys eat. Shortly after dinner Iruka cane over and started there lessons. Blake took this moment to step out and sit on the roof of the house and just relax.

He looked around the village, he was still keeping an eye out for threats but he was more relaxed then he was before. However, like everytime before, the moment his guard goes down something happens. This time it coems in the form of a quick and sharp pain in his neck.

He hisses and pulls a dart out of his neck. Moments he loses feeling in his body before he can fully lose feeling he calles out to Sesshomaru quietly

"Sesshomaru......get them and take them.......protect them...."

He loses all feeling and falls forward and tumble down the roof, falls off, and lands with a hard thud to the ground. Inside the house eveyone hears Blake tumble down.

"Mom!" The twins jump up and go to run outside but Sesshomaru poofs into the room and wraps his arms around the boys and poofs away

Blake mentaly smiles when he hears his boys then hears the poof sound knowing there safe now no mater what. His eyes start to lose focuse as he notices a peron squat down in front of him

"Sasuke wants you AND his boys. Dont worry we will find them but by the time we do you will be dead and i will be Sasuke's wife and mother of all of his kids. Dont worry, the twins look like Sasuke so ill treat them like mine, then they will have a true mother," the person, who i can tell is a women, says quietly and i can tell she is all too happy about this

Damn you Sasuke for having so many damn fan girls. Why do they fall for you so quickly and easily anyway? Your an ass most of the time

"Alex! Jake!" Ino shouts and runs to the spot they disappeared from then runs outside where she sees Blake being slung over a shouter and the person disappears

"Shit...." Ino looks around fearfully, this is the second time the twins have gone missing under her watch

She quickly runs to the Hokage all the while thinking and worring about what will happen to her.

She gets to the Hokage's office and barges in ignoring the fact that Lady Tsunade was just giving Shino and his dad a mission

"Ino! What is the meaning of this!" Lady Tsunade shouts in anger

"I-Im sorry! S-someone.......someone took him..." it came out in a whisper


"Someone took Blake.......he was knocked out....before i could get to Blake one of his things got the twins and took them somewhere else," she look down hanging her head

Lady Tsunade sighs and leans back in her chair, "How does one family have so much trouble? Very well, new mission. Can you both find Blake or his kids?"

"Of course Lady Hokage"

The father son team leave the room. Ino starts to walk awa only to stop as Lady Tsunade calls her

"Ino this is the second time this has happened in your watch. To say i am disapointed doesnt describe how i feel," Tsunade turns and looks out the window, "You will be off missions untill further notice. You will take on twice as many shifts at the hospital, and every weekend you will train with Guy, if he is on a mission you will train with someone else i see fit"

"Yes m'lady..." Ino slowly turns and leaves the room feeling too terrible about what happened

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