Chapter 8

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We got back to the village and immediately went to Lady Tsunade. Once we entered the room Lady Tsunade's eyes immediately went to my two boys then her eyes narrowed at me

"What happened?"

"Orochimaru and Sasuke do not know. Only Team Kakashi," i give my boys a look to tell them they are in trouble, "They just could not seem to stay hidden like i told them"

"Its Jack's fault!" Alex suddenly yells, "He bunt down our house then left the other house you put us in!"

"Not true! You burnt the house down!" Jack yells back

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

I sigh and and rub my temples for a minute then look at Sakura, "Don't have children too early....."

"What do they mean your house bunt down?" Sakura seemed to ignore my comment and asked her own question

"The mission we went on to save Gaara, i left because the house got burnt down from these two. Thats why i couldnt help you"

"Why didnt you tell us?" Sakura looked a bit hurt

I sigh and fully face her, "Sakura, do you know how many people wanted Sasuke when he was a child? Just because of his eyes? Do you know how many people wanted to use him, or even kill him? Do you kmow what my father wants to do with Sasuke? You maybe my team mate and comrad but i am a mother first. I will do whatever us necessary to protect my kids. Even if that means hiding them from my team as well"

She looks at me hurt but nods in understanding, i hope, then faces Lady Tsunade, "Well the mission was a sucsess so i must congradulat you on the. I do wish you could have brought Sasuke back with you but we will deal with that later. For now Kabuto will be given to Ibiki who will get any information he can out of him. You all are dissmissed for now, Blake stay"

My team mates turn and leave while i stay where i am with my kids, "Blake, i will have a house ready for you and your kids. In the mean time they need to start school and get interation with childeren. I also need you to keep working as a ninja, you children will be safe"

I look down at my boys who look up at me, sighing i nod, "Very well, but if anything happens to them," i look at Tsunade and narrow my eyes, "You will regret it, you and whever allowed anything to hppen to them"

-Sasuke POV-

"What do you plan to do with Kabuta?" I ask Orochimaru as he nad i train

"He will come back eventually, and with some valuable information too," he smirks and licks his lips, "Hopefully with Blake"

"Why do you need Blake?" I asked in the same emotionless voice i always use but sadly inside i was worried about him, even if id never admit it out loud

"He is an important piece of my plan," Orochimaru suddenly stops and grabs his chest then hisses lightly in anger

His body is dying, he will need a new one soon, im surprised he hasn't tried to take mine yet. Unless it isnt mine he wants, he wants someone elses but whos? Could what Blake said be true? He wants Blake and i to have childen olny to take one and use his body. Then that means any of our future childen will be safe unless Orochimaru is dead. He must die then


A week goes by and suddenly Kabuto shows up at the base during Orocimaru and i's training. He was beat up, brusied,   and a bit bloody 

"Kabuto," Orochimaru smirks, "I knew youd be back, took longer then i thought though, i am disapapointed about that"

"Im sorry my Lord," he bows to him then stands up, "It took me so long because i was gathering information my Lord"


"Blake," Kabuto's eyes turn to me and he smirks, "Has twin boys, both from Sasuke"

My eyes widen a bit but quickly go back to to normal while my mind runs while. Why didnt Blake tell me? Would he have told me if that stupid Sesshomaru guy showed up? I just cant believe it, im a father. I have twin they look like mw? Blake? Do they have the Uchiha genes or do they have Blake's genes? I have to see them

"Really? He does?" Orochimaru's smirks grows 

"And the Hokage wants him to keep going on missions"

"I see," Orochimaru turns to me, "Training is done for the day. I have work to do" 

He then leaves but Kabuto stays for a moment, smirks wider at me, then leaves. He wants whats mine and mine alone. Looks likes i need to find the right time to slip out and go to them, meet them, and warn Blake when i know something more. Just dont do anything stupid that would harm my family Lady Hokage


-Blake POV-

"What do you mean Kabuto escaped?!?" Ibiki shouts angerly and it was so loud i could hear it from outside the Hokage building

I freeze for a moment thne race inside moving as fast as i could and storm into the Hokage's office to see her standing with her hands on the desk, Ibiki glaring agerly at one of his workers show had been beaten and is now nealing his head head down

"He's free!?!" i ask loudly

"Blake," Lady Tusnade looks to me, "Dont worry we will find him"

"He doesnt know about my kids does he?" I look to Ibiki then his assitant and back and forth

"No he doesnt," Ibiki answers but his assistant looks nervouse

"Sesshomaru!" i call out and he appears looking his same old emotionless, intimadating self, "That man is hiding something"

"So?" He turns his narrowed eyes to me

"He's hiding something having to do with the twins," I look at him with that scary protective mother look

His eyes narrow more then in the next secont he has the man's thoat in his hand and the man's back against the wall, "Speak"

The man trembles in Sesshomaru's hold, "H-he k-k-know....."

My eyes widen and i look to Tsunade, "Its too late, Kabuto is well trained. By now he has told my father," I growl and glare at them all, "Come Sesshomaru. We are taking the boys and leaving"

"Blake dont-" Tsunade starts but i cut her off

"Do you remember the chunin exams? Oh wait you werent here," I snap at her, "That bastered made himself look like a genin, put the curse mark on Sasuke, killed the 3rd, and tricked the sand village into attacking the leaf. The best change my kids have is to leave the leaf and find a safe place to be. Im sorry but until Orochimaru is dead im not coming back, and defently not with my boys. That is to protect my children but also the leaf"

She sighs but nods, "Very well," she sits down, "You are right. Tell no one of your where about, be safe. We will try out best to get thing safe for them and you. I understand the need to protect, just make sure nothing happens to those two boys......ive lose two boys in my life, its the worst" 

I nod then look to Sesshomaru, he nods, drops the man, then leaves the room behind me as i head home to my boys

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