Chapter 13

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"You boys ready?" I asks as i watch my boys put on there shoes 

"Yep, dont worry mom"

"Hey, look at me," I squat down infront of them and look at them both, "I am your mom, it is my job to worry about you both, and to care about you, and love you, and protect you. You got that?"

"Ya, we got it"

"Good," I kiss there heads then walk with them outside and to the academy

Once there dropped off i go see Lady Tsunade and find her office spotless and there stood the maid in the corner waiting

"Blake, thanks for your help yesterday," Lady Tsunade smiles at me, "Also, if your up for it, i have a mission for you"

"Whats the mission?" I get serious and wait

"Your mission is to go investigate a series of dissapearances and deaths in a small village a days way from here. Investigate and keep me infromed. If you can elimenate the problem"

"Yes Lady Tsunade, I do ask someone stay with my boys while im away"

"I will have someone apointed to watching them and to be with them at all times," she starts going through some papers looking for some people 

"Thank you, ill leave once im packed and swing by the academy and say goodby to my boys"

She nods then i leave to pack then go to the acadmey. I was both shocked and pleased to see Iruka sensei was there sensei. 

"Knock knock," i say as i knock on the door frame

"Hm? Oh Blake, what a pleasent surprise. What can i do for you?" Iruka smiles brightly at me

"Mind if i see my boys for a moment?"

He nods then i look to see my boys comes over to me. The whole way down every girl had heart eyes and even a few boys. My boys had there Uchiha faces on and ignored them all. Once they get down to me i close the door so no one sees us then i hug them

"Im going on a mission, a long one. I will be gone for at least a week. Lady Tsunade will have someone arranged to be with you guys ok?"

"We dont need a baby sitter," Alex grumbles

"Alex, Orochimaru maybe dead but you both are Uchihas, someone else may try to take you, or your eyes. Please dont fight me on this ok?"

"Ok mom, we wont," Jake gives me a smile then hugs me tight, "Be careful"

"I will i promise," I pull Alex into a hug next then kiss both of there heads, "Now get back into class"

The nod and go back in while i turn and leave the academy and start to leave the village when i see am old lazy friend of mine walking down the street

"Shikamaru!" He looks to me then gives me a small lazy smile

"Blake, long time no see," he comes over to me

"Ya, id love to stay and catch up but i have to go on a mission. Iwanted to ask, can you keep an eye on my boys? Lady Tsunade said she would have someone  watching them but i also want someone i trust to. You can hide easier and you are a stong person"

"What a drag," he sighs but then gives me that same smile again, "Ya ill keep an eye on them when im not on missions. I assume you want this to be kept quiet?" I nod, "Fine i will, good luck on your mission"


I say goodby then get to the gate and call Griffen and ride on him to the town im suposed to go to. I have Griffen land a small walk away so no one freaks out from seeing him. Then i walk to the town. When i get there i see people looking fearful, men holding there women close, mothers holding there kids close, and everyone moved quick and looked around carefully. Looking around i slowly walk to the building i was told was the house of the town owner. 

When i get to the bulding armed gaurds come out and hold swords at me, "Leave! Now!"

I slowly pull out a scroll and hold it up, "Mt name is Blake, i was sent by the Hokage, from the leaf village"

The men look at each other then one goes inide for a long minute then comes out, "Alright, come in, but any funny moves and you get stabbed"

"As you will," I keep my hands up and slowly walk inside, it was kinda funny they thought they could hurt me

Once inside im led to the basment and found an older man pacing behind his desk. He was bald, well built, and looked profecenal but also looked like he wouldnt be able to move like he used to. He stops pacing when he sees me come in then narrows his eyes

"Your from the leaf village? Show me your permission slip"

"Right here, mind if i open it?" I look at the gaurds around me

The look to the boss who nods then the scroll is taken from me and handed to him. He opens it and reads it then nods, "Very well, lower your weapons"

 They hesitantly so and i slowly put my hands down, "Thank you"

"So, how does this work?" The boss asks me

"It will work like this, you guys keep doing what your doing and i will be hiding around looking for this person. I also need the reports of how the people went mission and found dead"

"Thats it? Thats all you will do?" One of the gaurds shouts in anger and comes to me getting in my face

"Look, i need to know who im dealing with and how im going to tackle this mission. I will do things you dont find helpful but it is"

"Thats enough, stand down," the boss tells his gaurd, who finally backs off after a minute

I turn turn to the boss again, "Also i should warn you, evey ninja has there own way of fighting and style. Me i use creatures such as, Katie," in a poof of smoke Katie apears and wraps around me 

"I thought you forgot about me master," she wraps around me, climbing up and rubs her head under my chin

"She will help me, but do not be surprised or fearful when you see other things that your not used to," i warn them 

"I see, so your that Blake," the boss says in amzement, "Iv heard of you, you saved a village close to the hidden cloud village from some thieves right?"

"Yes i did," i smile softly, "That was a feew years ago, im surprised you heard about that"

"My sister went traveling for a year and ended up there at that time, she told me about you saving them," he gets serious again, "She has now been kiddnaped"

"Ill find her, i promise, now tell me how do these people dissapear or get killed"

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