Chapter 15

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"Where are they!?" I yell at one of the men 

"I....I dont know!" He shouts back then his head hangs 

He was brusied and bloody, i was doing everything i coul to get him to talk, him and about 10 of the other men but nothing. Its already been 5 days. Growling i leave the room to find the boss there 

"Well?" He was getting more and more agressive about all this 

"I need some help, ill be back," he glares at me as i leave the building 

I go to my temperary home and write a letter to Lady Tsunade asking for Ibiki to be brought in, i then give the letter to Speedy. Speedy is an ostrich who can run faster then anything in the known world. 

"Hokage," she nods, grabs the letter then is gone

About an hour later Speedy is back and with a letter in her mouth. I take it and read it, thankfully Tsunade appoves it and says Ibiki is on his way, so speed it up i send Griffen to get him. Later that day Griffen lands and Ibiki sidles off looking grumpier then normal. 

"What do you want?" He snaps at me

"Nice to see you too," I smirk at him then lead the way to the holing place for the men, "These men kiddnapped women and raped and beat them. Many of the women got pregnant and the babies were taken away along with some of the women. I heard the leader say he had 2 sons to join the clan, thats the furthest ive gotten. I was hoping youd get further then me"

He glances in then turns to me, "How long have you been at them?"

"5 days," i sigh tiredly

He smirks at me, "That would have been done in an hour of me intaragating them"

He then disapeaes into them room. I didnt watch but i was horrified by the screams, and they were so loud the boss and some of his men came down to see what was going on 

"A friend of yours?" The boss asks hesitantly 

" not sure he has friends"

He nods a bit then pats my shoulder and goes back up stairs, his men ran up once they could. After an hour Ibiki came out looking just as calm as always 

"There is a hidden town in the forest about a days walk from here. There was a clan is Asahi. A long time ago the clan thrived and did great, they were up when the sun came up, thus the clan name meaning Morning Sun. They worked in the forestsw gathering plants, herbs, food, anything they could. They used to sell it and help people in need"

"And now there kiddnaping, killing, raping," he stopped me from listing anymore

"The second war hit them, killed off almost the wwhole clan. The ones that lived grew angry and said they would get revenage on everyone that harmed them. They needed women to have children but had no women so they kidnapped. The ones they keped in the cave were ment to only be used for babies. The ones they took to there clan were ment to be wives, take care of the children, clean, cook, and take care of the men"

"Just point me in the right direction so they can be stopped"

He points and i take off on Griffen in that durection. The further i go the thicker the trees get, it gets to the point i had i land and move through the trees. It wasnt much longer before i spot something, a clearing. 

I stop on a tree branch and look down to see a bunch of houses, armed men, women crying or getting his, and the sound of crying babies. This was the right place, but how am i going to do this 

"Katie," she appears wrapped around me, "Any ideas?"

"Take them out one by one, or posion one of them, make it look like a snake bite. The distraction will allow you to get some if not all the women and babies out" 

"Smart, good job, keep watch," she nods and slithers away

I jump down and sneak up behind one man in silent. I then get near the man's arm which is near a tree branch and bite his arm letting out a poison then race away making it sound like a snake fleeing. The man cries out and soon running is heard and they come to the mans ade. He is then taken to a house and another mn orders some women to go get supplies to help him. 

I race to those women and convense them to grab a baby or two and run. I then went around doing the same with more women till almost all of them were out. As far as i knew all of the babies were out too. Now i go to the house and wait beside the door. One man comes out and i quickly stab him then toss him to the side. Then do the same to the next one, then another, then more then 1 comes out at a time. 3 come out at once and see me. The all attack at once using swords or knives. I dodge the attacks and stab all of them easily. I finally go in and see the man is now dead and there stands another 3 men. I knocked them out and moved them back to the town, glad to see all the women made it back, even the bossies sister 

"Thanks Blake, we apeciate it all you did," he smiles at me as he hugs his sister in one arm, "You helped us so much, you need anything, let me know and we will be there for you. All of us"

"Im just glad everyone is ok, well everyone i could help. Now if you excuse me i need to get home," i smile at them then go get my stuff and say all my goodbys before leaving  

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