Chapter 17

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The base ended up being a bust. It was completely empty. It looked to be a hide out for someone but i dont know whos it would be. I ended up destruing the base out of anger. Now ive been searching the world for them, making all my creatures search also but nothing and its killing me inside. I dont know whats been going on in the world but i also didnt care, i wanted my babies thats it

"M-master?" I slowly wipe my eyes and look to my bird who looks shocked to be seeing me crying 

"Did you find them?"

"Yes, they are at the leaf at the moment but the leaf did not have them. Itachi Uchiha did," she tells me calmly while my eyes widen


"He brought them with him when he went out and Sasuke found him. Itachi is now dead and Sasuke was badly injured but his team took him away to heal"

"I dont care, i want my kids"

I stand up on Nimbus and he takes me to the leaf. I jump off and run around looking, "Jake! Alex!"

"Mom!" i turn and see both my boys running to me 

I open my arms and hug them tightly once they are in my arms, they both hug my tightly too. They both are crying but so was i and non of us cared. Finally i pull away enough to look at them

"What happened? I looked everywhere for you two, where were you?"

"Uncle Itachi came to us, he said you were in trouble and that he wanted to get us somewhere safe. He wouldnt tell us anything.....we thought yu were..." Jake tells me but couldnt finish

"Shh, its ok, im ok, we are ok," i hug them tight again

"What happened to uncle Itachi?" Alex pull away first and asks, "Us he ok? He may have lied to us but he still trained up and took care of us"

I sigh heavily and look at them, "Im sorry boys, but your Uncle Itachi is with grandma now"

"What....? Why?!" Jake now yells

I didnt want to tell them there father killed him so i just sighed and hugged them close to me as they cried again


"There finally down," i whisper as i walk to the living room and sit down on the couch with my team, all of the old rookies were there too along with all of there sensei's, minus Asuma and Kurenai, "So im assuming Asuma and Kurenai had plans tonight?"

Everone looks at each other and stays quiet, "What? What is it?"

Shikamaru sighs and looks at me, "Asuma died in the line of duty"

Everything freezes and im stuck staring at Shikamaru


My mind then goes into over drive, "Well, where is his body? I can bring him back to life! Sesshomaru has a sword that can bring him back!"

"," my mirror appears and Asuma is in it, "Its too late, my body has as already started decomposing.  Its too late for me Blake"

My eyes start to water a little, "So your just ok with being dead....?"

"Ive come to terms with it, so has everyone else," he looks to Shikamaru and they share a look about something then he turns back to me, "You cant bring everyone back to life. My body has already started to decompose. Its too late for me. Save Sesshomaru's power for another time, for someone else. Im proud of you Blake, youve grown a lot since the first day you arrived here. Keep growing and keep being a great parent"

With that he turns and disappears then my mirror disappears as well. I slowly sit down and stare down at my hands. I missed Asuma's death and i cant even bring him back

I didnt notice at first but there us a sudden poof and Inuyasha is squatting next to me

"Why are you so emotionally unstable lately? Are you pregnant again?" He narrows his eyes at me

I glare at him then punch the back of his head making him face plant into the ground

"Why dont you just not show up unless unless i call you? How about that?" I snap at him then get up and go up stairs to my room and lock myself in the room

Why did i have to leave? Maybe if i had stayed then i could have stopped his death. What if i had come back sooner?

Hey, come come Inuyasha came and not Sesshomaru? Normally Sesshomaru always comes even if Inuyasha comes with him

"Sesshomaru," i call out and wait but he doesnt show up, "Sesshomaru!" I call out louder but again nothing "SESSHOMARU!!!" I shout but still nothing, "Little ass hole......."

Giving up on him i take a nice long hot shower then go to bed, i was so tired both physically and mentally. So after my shower i throw on some underwear and climb into bed. I made sure to send Kitten into my boy's room to watch over them, if something happened Kitten could quickly get me unseen and warn me.

Once i knew they werd safe i quickly fell into deep sleep, i havent slept very good in a while so it was much needed

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