Chapter 12

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-Blake POV-

The next morning i woke up and saw Gaara standing in my room looking out the window 


He looks at me then looks back outside, "Temari sent a not, the Uchiha compound was burnt to the ground. They dont know who did it"

"What?" I sit up really quick 

"The Hokage is looking into who did it but no one knows so far"

I look down then thought about that house next to the lake. The Uchiha compund had a lake near it. What if Sasuke burned it down in order to rebuild on it and start new?

"We cant stay here any longer," Gaara looks at me quickly, "Sasuke was here last night. He talked to me but he didnt do anything to me, and he didnt come to the children. I still dont want to take any chances"

I see his hand clinch up into fists but nods and disappears into sand out of the way. I sigh heavily then get up and pack my bag then go to the boy's room. They are just waking up

"I have bad news"

"What is it mom?" ALex asks as he yawns 

"We have to leave"

"What?!" Alex shouts, "No! I dont wnat to! I like it here! I-"

"Alex Sasuke was in this village last night," he stops and stares at me

"And....i think he was here too. In this room," Jake adds slowly

"What?" I quickly go to them and look them over, "Are you both ok? Did he do anything to you two?"

"No, but he said he woulds be back for us, and you. He said we would be a family. He also sat on Alex's bed and he rubbed his head," Alex looks at Jake in shock

"He what?" He asks in shock

"Come on boys, pack your bags and say goodby ok? We need to leave soon"

The nod and get up and pack. Once there packed i have them say there goodbys and write a letter for Temari for when she gets back. Once ready i get Griffen and he flies us away, all of use were upset about it but it was for there protection


-2 years later-

We moved from place to place never staying too long, but we did stay with one family for a little bit. The old man from my team'S first C-rank mission, him and his family. Though we did have to leave sooner then any of us wanted. Now i think its time to make it back to the Leaf, even for a little while. I miss my friends and its been so long. 

Also in the last 2 years i heard Sasuke killed Orochimaru, that part of the reason we are going back to see if its true. If it is we will stay there. I also heard he started his own team in order to find Itachi. I sure hope Sasuke knows what he's doing 

"Mom look! We made it," Jake smiles when he sees the leaf village come into view

"Your right," I rub his head then Alex's before getting Griffen to land then hop off with my boys and get the bags

"Blake!" my boys and i turn to the shout and see Sakura and Naruto running to us with huge smiles on there faces 

"Sakura, Naruto," they stop infront of me and Sakura pulls me into a hug then looks down at my boys

"Wow they have grown, how old are they now?"

"5," i put my hands on there heads, "I was planning on setting down here and enrolling these two in the academy, if the rumors ive heard are true"

They both got serious, "It is, and the base was distoyed. Sasuke made his own team and are now out looking for Itachi"

"Then looks like we are moving back in"

"Great! I know Lady Tsunade will want to see you why dont you come with me?" Sakura smiles at me 

"Naruto, mine watching my boys? Maybe you can show them your shadow clone jutsu"

"Ya, sure thing," he grins then turns to my boys who give him the same look and attitude that Sasuke used to give him 

Smiling i follow Sakura up to Tsunade and find her desk covered in papers and scrolls and a bottle a sake.

"My Lady..?" Sakura asks hesitantly

"What!?!" She snaps and looks up only to stop and look at me in shock 

"Nice to see you too Lady Tsunade," i smile at her, "We are back to stay, if thats ok. I also want my boys to be enrolled in the academy"

She smiles and nods, "They can start tomorrow, they are only 3 days late to the new year. You can have your old home back if you want it"

"Yes, thank you," i pause for a moment and glance at her desk, "Do you need a little helper?"

She nods tiredly. Smiling i take my scroll out and hold it for a moment the poof. A tall lean pale women appears with long white hair, pointed tall white cat ears, a long thing white tail, and in a maid outfit but the maid went all the way down to her ankles, her sleeves were long, and her chest was completely covered. 

"Have fun," i tell her and motion to the desk, she nods and gets to work moving fast, "She can not talk thus can never say what she sees and no one can see into her mind"

"Thank you"

I nod then head off back to my old house here. I drop my bags off then look around. Iwasnt ready to unpack yet to i left and went to Kakashi's house. I knock 3 times then wait. After a moment the door opens and shows Kakashi and it looks like he just woke up

"Good after noon Kakashi"

"Blake?" He looks at me in shock, "I didnt know you were coming back"

"Ya, i wanted it to be a surprise, so? Hows father hood?" 

He leands on the door frame dramadicly, "Tiring, but good, i love it"

"My i come in?"

He nods and moves so i can come in. I walk in and look around to see kids stuff here and there then i see a little boy, about 2, playing with some toys. Next to him was triplet girls in baby swings, looking no older then a few month old

"My, who are these cuties?" I go over to the baby girls but the little boy gets infront of me and glares 

"Get away from my sisters!"

"Obito, this is Blake, its ok," Kakashi says with a closed eye smile, "He is very protective of his sisters"

I nod smiling happily, the little boy looks like Kakashi but had cute erected gray ears. Though i saw no tail. I look to the girls and see they all have there mom's hair but only 1 has ears, im not sure about a tail. 

"They are cute, makes me want more"

"You could," he looks over at me

I sigh and shake my head, "I cant, my heart belongs to someone already"

"I should be getting back to my boys, it was nice to see you and your cute kids"

"Thanks for stopping by"

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